SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
EEDM_SETTLUNIT_GEN Generation of Settlement Units
EEFO_CREDIT_CREATE Front Office: Create Credit Memo
EEFO_INSTMNTPLN_CREA Front Office: Create Installmt Plan
EEIS1 Output Unbilled Contracts
EEIS2 Ouput Contr.Accts w/o BB Amounts
EEIS3 Output Portion w/o BB Amount
EENERGY_AUD_IN Transaction for Energy Audit India
EERCH_DEL Only Relevant for DE
EERCH_EXP Billing Document Extraction - Export
EERCH_IMP Only relevant for Germany
EERD_DATA_DEL Delete Print Document Extracts
EERD_DEL Only Relevant for DE
EERD_EXP Print Document Extracts - Export
EERD_EXTR Extracts: Export Print Documents
EERD_IMP Only relevant for Germany
EEWB Easy Enhancement Workbench
EEWC System Data Maintenance
EEWM_CU_ANALYSIS Analyze Operations in Task Lists
EEWM_ILCH Change Inspection List
EEWM_ILCR Create/Extend Inspection List
EEWM_ILDI Display Inspection List
EEWM_INOC Create Insp. Orders/Notifications
EEWM_SHIFTLOG shift management
EEWZ1 Maintain Application Group Data
EEWZ2 Use for Extension Fields
EEWZ3 Additional Extension Definition
EEXTSYNPROF Maint. View for Ext. Synth. Prof. ID
EE_CRM_CLASS_GENER Generate class for set type
EFAK IS-U Invoicing
EFAKTOR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_FAKTOR
EFCC Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFCM Print Workbench Form Class Processg
EFCS Print Workbench: Form Class
EFGM Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFGN Print Workbench: Mass Activation
EFRANCH_CHNG Change Franchisee Management
EFRANCH_CRTE Create Franchisee Management
EFRANCH_DISP Display Franchisee Management
EFRANCH_EFFC Performance evaluation for Franchise
EFRANCH_PODL Proof of Delivery
EFRM Print Workbench: Application Form
EFTP Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFTR Print Workbench: Generate Trans.List
EFTRADM Translation of Application Forms
EFTRADMLANGUS Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFTRLANGVEC Language Transport Form Objects
EFTRSL Print Wbench Trans. for Translation
EFTT Print Workbench: Transl. Worklist
EFUD Print Workbench: Application Form
EG01 Create Device Category
EG02 Change Device Category
EG03 Display Device Category
EG04 Create Register Group
EG05 Change Register Group
EG06 Display Register Group
EG07 Create Input/Output Group
EG08 Change Input/Output Group
EG09 Display Input/Output Group
EG14 Create Command
EG15 Change Command
EG16 Display Command
EG17 Create Command Group
EG18 Change Command Group
EG19 Display Command Group
EG27 Create Device Group
EG28 Change Device Group
EG29 Display Device Group
EG30 Full Replacement
EG31 Full Installation
EG32 Full Removal
EG33 Technical Installation
EG34 Billing-Related Installation
EG35 Billing-Related Removal
EG36 Technical Removal
EG41 Change device info record
EG42 Device modification
EG43 Display device info record
EG44 Create device info record
EG50 Inst./Removal/Repl.: Reversal
EG51 Installation Reversal
EG52 Reverse Technical Replacement
EG53 Reverse Technical Removal
EG60 Maintain Logical Register
EG61 Display Logical Register
EG70 Maintain Rate Data
EG71 Display Rate Data
EG72 Maintain Device Allocation
EG73 Display Device Allocation
EG75 Create Register Relationships
EG76 Change Register Relationships
EG77 Display Register Relationships
EG7A Maint. Basic Cat. Desc. and SortSeq.
EG7B Maintain Inspection Points
EG80 Create Sample Lot
EG81 Change Sample Lot
EG82 Display Sample Lot
EG83 Compile Sample Lot
EG84 Determine Lot Devices
EG85 Draw Sample Devices from Lot
Lines 11201 to 11300 of 91333 entries
1 111 112 113 114 115 914