SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
EC12 Org.Object Copier: Employee Subgroup
EC13 Org.Object Copier: Purchasing Org.
EC14 Org.Object Copier: Storage Location
EC15 Org.Object Copier: Material Type
EC16 Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area
EC20 IS-U Front Office
EC25 IS-U navigator
EC30 Maintain rate data
EC31 Display Rate Data
EC50 Create Move-In Doc.
EC50E Create Move-In Document
EC51 Change Move-In Document
EC51E Change Move-In Document
EC52 Display Move-In Doc.
EC52E Display Move-In Document
EC53 Reverse Move-In Documnt
EC53E Reverse Move-In Document
EC55 Create Move-Out Doc.
EC55C Tabstrip- ISU - Move-Out
EC55E Move-Out
EC56 Chg. Move-Out Doc.
EC56E Change Move-Out
EC57 Display Move-Out Doc.
EC57E Display Move-Out
EC58 Reverse Move-Out Doc.
EC58E Reverse Move-Out
EC60 Initial Processing: Move-In/Out
EC6F Initial Processing: Move-In/Out
EC70 Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out
EC85 Create Disc. Doc.
EC86 Change Disc. Doc.
EC87 Display Disc. Doc.
ECBWPP Prepare Extrapolation Indexes
ECENV_BP Data environ. for business partner
ECENV_CO Data environ. for connection object
ECENV_DV Data environment for device
ECHE Assignment of Visible Components
ECHT_CUST4INBOUNDSRV Create ECH Process for Service Oper.
ECHT_PLX_MAINTENANCE Define Payload Extraction Attributes
ECH_DEFLT_RESOL_SAP SAP Default Resolution Strategy
ECH_MONI Error and Conflict Handler Order
ECH_MONI_SEL Error and Conflict Handler Selection
ECH_RESOL Define Resolution Strategy
ECH_RESOL_COMP Define Resolution Strategy
ECH_RESOL_COMP_SYS Define SAP Resolution Strategy
ECH_RESOL_SYS Define SAP Resolution Strategy
ECICACC Konfiguration Autocall & Config
ECLP1 Create Loyalty Account
ECLP2 Change Loyalty Account
ECLP3 Display Loyalty Account
ECMCUST Customizing for ECM
ECMO Overview of ECOs
ECMR Overview of ECRs
ECM_ADMIN ECM Admin Launchpad
ECM_APP_CONF Edit ECM App to Rep mapping (custom)
ECM_APP_CONF_DEFS ECM Application Configurator
ECM_APP_CONF_SAP Edit ECM App to Rep mapping (SAP)
ECM_APP_SETTINGS Edit ECM App definitions (custom)
ECM_APP_SETTINGS_SAP Edit ECM App definitions (SAP)
ECM_CMIS_CONF Configure CMIS Repository
ECM_DATA_GENERATION ECMI: Test data generation
ECM_FS_CONFIG ECMI: Fileshare Repository Config
ECM_GROUP_CONF ECM Group Configurator
ECM_STORE_CONF Configure ECM Repository
ECM_WD_CONF ECM CMIS Connector Configuration
ECM_WD_DEFAULT_STATE WebDAV Server Default Settings
ECM_WD_STATE WebDAV Server Session State Settings
ECNC IS-U Navigator: Customizing
ECON1 Maintain Concession Eligibility
ECON2 Display Concession Eligibility
ECOP Main Program for Entity Copier
ECP_CT04 Change Characteristics
ECP_CT05 Create Characteristics
ECP_FUNCT_TYPE Maintain iView function types
ECRD1 Create Redemption
ECRD2 Change Redemption
ECRD3 Display Redemption
ECRD4 Mass Printout of Redemption Vouchers
ECRMREPL Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U
ECRMREPLM Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U
ECRM_ISU_CRT_IDX Create index and new address groups
ECRM_ISU_CUST_TO IS-U Customizing for Techn. Objects
ECRM_ISU_MKT_FLR_IMP Import Flyer Information
ECRM_ISU_PARAMS Maintain IS-U CRM Parameters
ECRM_ISU_PROCTYPE Customize IS-U Transaction Types
ECRM_ISU_TO_CHK_CON ChecK enhancement of Connobj
ECRM_ISU_TO_CHK_POD ChecK enhancement of Utilities PoD
ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV Set Up Set Categories for Divisions
ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV_0101 Set Up Set Categories for Divisions
ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV_ER_1 Set Up Set Categories for Divisions
ECRM_ISU_TO_ENH_CON Enhancement of Utilities CONNOBJ
ECRM_ISU_TO_ENH_POD ChecK enhancement of Utilities PoD
ECRM_ISU_TO_ENH_PRM Enhancement of Utilities POD
ECRM_OBJ_TEMPL Master Data Templates for CRM TO
ECRM_PROD_TEMPL MD Templates for CRM Products
ECVBP02 Customer Data Overview
ECVCO00 Connection object overview
ECVE Export Resources from Web Repository
ECVM Generate Language Version Cust. Info
Lines 11001 to 11100 of 91333 entries
1 109 110 111 112 113 914