Transaction | Text |
EC12 | Org.Object Copier: Employee Subgroup |
EC13 | Org.Object Copier: Purchasing Org. |
EC14 | Org.Object Copier: Storage Location |
EC15 | Org.Object Copier: Material Type |
EC16 | Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area |
EC20 | IS-U Front Office |
EC25 | IS-U navigator |
EC30 | Maintain rate data |
EC31 | Display Rate Data |
EC50 | Create Move-In Doc. |
EC50E | Create Move-In Document |
EC51 | Change Move-In Document |
EC51E | Change Move-In Document |
EC52 | Display Move-In Doc. |
EC52E | Display Move-In Document |
EC53 | Reverse Move-In Documnt |
EC53E | Reverse Move-In Document |
EC55 | Create Move-Out Doc. |
EC55C | Tabstrip- ISU - Move-Out |
EC55E | Move-Out |
EC56 | Chg. Move-Out Doc. |
EC56E | Change Move-Out |
EC57 | Display Move-Out Doc. |
EC57E | Display Move-Out |
EC58 | Reverse Move-Out Doc. |
EC58E | Reverse Move-Out |
EC60 | Initial Processing: Move-In/Out |
EC6F | Initial Processing: Move-In/Out |
EC70 | Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out |
EC85 | Create Disc. Doc. |
EC86 | Change Disc. Doc. |
EC87 | Display Disc. Doc. |
ECBWPP | Prepare Extrapolation Indexes |
ECENV_BP | Data environ. for business partner |
ECENV_CO | Data environ. for connection object |
ECENV_DV | Data environment for device |
ECHE | Assignment of Visible Components |
ECHT_CUST4INBOUNDSRV | Create ECH Process for Service Oper. |
ECHT_PLX_MAINTENANCE | Define Payload Extraction Attributes |
ECH_DEFLT_RESOL_SAP | SAP Default Resolution Strategy |
ECH_MONI | Error and Conflict Handler Order |
ECH_MONI_SEL | Error and Conflict Handler Selection |
ECH_RESOL | Define Resolution Strategy |
ECH_RESOL_COMP | Define Resolution Strategy |
ECH_RESOL_COMP_SYS | Define SAP Resolution Strategy |
ECH_RESOL_SYS | Define SAP Resolution Strategy |
ECICACC | Konfiguration Autocall & Config |
ECLP1 | Create Loyalty Account |
ECLP2 | Change Loyalty Account |
ECLP3 | Display Loyalty Account |
ECMCUST | Customizing for ECM |
ECMO | Overview of ECOs |
ECMR | Overview of ECRs |
ECM_ADMIN | ECM Admin Launchpad |
ECM_APP_CONF | Edit ECM App to Rep mapping (custom) |
ECM_APP_CONF_DEFS | ECM Application Configurator |
ECM_APP_CONF_SAP | Edit ECM App to Rep mapping (SAP) |
ECM_APP_SETTINGS | Edit ECM App definitions (custom) |
ECM_APP_SETTINGS_SAP | Edit ECM App definitions (SAP) |
ECM_CMIS_CONF | Configure CMIS Repository |
ECM_DATA_GENERATION | ECMI: Test data generation |
ECM_FS_CONFIG | ECMI: Fileshare Repository Config |
ECM_GROUP_CONF | ECM Group Configurator |
ECM_STORE_CONF | Configure ECM Repository |
ECM_WD_CONF | ECM CMIS Connector Configuration |
ECM_WD_DEFAULT_STATE | WebDAV Server Default Settings |
ECM_WD_STATE | WebDAV Server Session State Settings |
ECNC | IS-U Navigator: Customizing |
ECOBJFILL | E&C Portal: Batch Proc ECP_OBJFILL |
ECON1 | Maintain Concession Eligibility |
ECON2 | Display Concession Eligibility |
ECOP | Main Program for Entity Copier |
ECP_CT04 | Change Characteristics |
ECP_CT05 | Create Characteristics |
ECP_FUNCT_TYPE | Maintain iView function types |
ECRD1 | Create Redemption |
ECRD2 | Change Redemption |
ECRD3 | Display Redemption |
ECRD4 | Mass Printout of Redemption Vouchers |
ECRMREPL | Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U |
ECRMREPLM | Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U |
ECRM_ISU_CRT_IDX | Create index and new address groups |
ECRM_ISU_CUST_TO | IS-U Customizing for Techn. Objects |
ECRM_ISU_MKT_FLR_IMP | Import Flyer Information |
ECRM_ISU_PARAMS | Maintain IS-U CRM Parameters |
ECRM_ISU_PROCTYPE | Customize IS-U Transaction Types |
ECRM_ISU_TO_CHK_CON | ChecK enhancement of Connobj |
ECRM_ISU_TO_CHK_POD | ChecK enhancement of Utilities PoD |
ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV | Set Up Set Categories for Divisions |
ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV_0101 | Set Up Set Categories for Divisions |
ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV_ER_1 | Set Up Set Categories for Divisions |
ECRM_ISU_TO_ENH_CON | Enhancement of Utilities CONNOBJ |
ECRM_ISU_TO_ENH_POD | ChecK enhancement of Utilities PoD |
ECRM_ISU_TO_ENH_PRM | Enhancement of Utilities POD |
ECRM_OBJ_TEMPL | Master Data Templates for CRM TO |
ECRM_PROD_TEMPL | MD Templates for CRM Products |
ECVBP02 | Customer Data Overview |
ECVCO00 | Connection object overview |
ECVE | Export Resources from Web Repository |
ECVM | Generate Language Version Cust. Info |