SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
EA35 Create Schema
EA36 Change Schema
EA37 Display Schema
EA38 Mass Activity: Billing
EA39 Mass Activity: Billing Simulation
EA40 Display Print Document
EA43 Generate SRs of a Record Type
EA44 Delete Sched. Recs
EA44M Mass Deletion of Schedule Records
EA45 Create Consumption and Partial Bill
EA46 Create Consumption and Partial Bill
EA47 Crt. Discount/Surcharge
EA48 Chg.Discount/Surcharge
EA49 Displ.Discount/Surcharge
EA50 Create Operand
EA51 Change Operand
EA52 Display Operand
EA53 Create Rate Cat.
EA54 Chg. Rate Cat.
EA55 Display Rate Cat.
EA56 Maint. Rate Type
EA57 Create Budget Billing Change Doc.
EA58 Mass Activity: Coll. Bill Printout
EA59 Print Collective Bill (Old)
EA60 Print Invoicing Document
EA61 Create BB Plan
EA61EX Budget Billing Change
EA61IC Create Budget Billing Plan for IC
EA61PS Create Payment Scheme
EA62 Change BB Plan
EA62IC Change Budget Billing Plan for IC
EA62PS Change Payment Scheme
EA63 Display BB Plan
EA63IC Display Budget Billing Plan for IC
EA63PS Display Payment Scheme
EA64 Print collective bill
EA65 Portion Change
EA65PS Create Payment Scheme Requests
EA66PS Mass Run: Create PS Requests
EA67 Settings for BB Plan
EA68 Maint. Specifs in Posting Area R007
EA70 Create Billing Cal. Value
EA71 Change Billing Cal. Value
EA72 Display Billing Cal. Value
EA73 Create Gas Procedure
EA74 Change Gas Proced.
EA75 Display Gas Procedure
EA76 Create Cal. Value Proced.
EA77 Change Calorific Value Procedure
EA78 Display Cal. Value Proced.
EA79 Create Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.
EA80 Change Vol. Corr. Fact.Proc.
EA81 Display Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.
EA85 Maintain Burning Hour Calendar
EA86 Copy Burng Hr Calendar for One Year
EA87 Rate Determination
EA88 Maintain Variant
EA89 Create Price
EA90 Change Price
EA91 Display Price
EA92 Maintain Price Adjustment Clause
EA97 Evaluation 1: Variants R/2 <-> ERP
EA98 Evaluation 2: Variants R/2 <-> ERP
EA99 Eval. of Variants
EABBP Archive Budget Billing Plans
EABI Billing/Invoicing log display
EABICO Bill Correction
EABIH Archive Billing Document Headers
EABIL Archive Billing Document Line Items
EABR IS-U Billing
EACCBAL Acct Balnce Display for Deregulation
EACCMAIN Manual Acct Maintenance for Supplier
EACOLLREV Select Reversed Documents (SR)
EADYN Define Dynamic Period Control
EAFACTS Archive Installation Facts
EAIN Billing/Invoicing log display
EALOGBI_1 Detail display: MiniApp EMAP_LOGBI
EALOGIN_1 Detail display MiniApp EMAP_LOGIN
EALZ Logical Register Numbers
EAMABI Mass Billing
EAMACB Consumption History from Inv. Line
EAMACF Consumption History from Inst. Facts
EAMACH Mass Overall Check
EAMASI Mass Billing Simulation
EAMICAG Change AMI Activation Group
EAMIDISCMON01 Monitor Disconnection Orders
EAMIDISCRESCH01 Reschedule Disconnection Orders
EAMIDISCSEND01 Mass Act.: Send Disconnection Orders
EAMIEVTMON01 Monitor AMI Events
EAMIEVTPROC01 Mass Activity: Process Events
EAMIEVTPROC02 Process New AMI Events
EAMIMON01 Monitoring of AMI Communication
EAMIMSGSEND01 Mass Act.: Messaging
EAMIPROFSYNC Profile synchronization for AMI
EAMISYNC AMI devices synchronization
EAMS00 Mass Billing of Simulation Indexes
EAMS01 Mass Act.: Billing of Sim. Indexes
EAMS10 Create Simulation Indexes
EAMS11 Monitoring of Mass Simulation
EAMS12 Statisics for Simulation Indices
Lines 10801 to 10900 of 91333 entries
1 107 108 109 110 111 914