Transaction | Text |
/ISDFPS/CLMFLAUF | Customizing: Flight Types |
/ISDFPS/CLMFLSTA | Customizing: Flight Status Objects |
/ISDFPS/CLMIAST | Customizing: Order Type Tech. Status |
/ISDFPS/CLMIMST | Cust.: Notification Type Tech. Sts |
/ISDFPS/CLMISE | Cust.: Activate Intersession Events |
/ISDFPS/CLMMDID | Customizing: Model IDs (WS) |
/ISDFPS/CLMSFCT | Customizing: Status Function |
/ISDFPS/CLMSLF | Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate |
/ISDFPS/CLMSTAD | Cust.: Technical Status Semantics |
/ISDFPS/CLMSTB | Cust.: Status Board Transactions |
/ISDFPS/CLMSTIC | Customizing: User Status Icons |
/ISDFPS/CLMUPRI | Customizing: Usage Rate |
/ISDFPS/CLPMBOOK | Custom. Maintenance Book Types |
/ISDFPS/CMP_AGR_TABS | Comparison of the AGR Tables |
/ISDFPS/COMPARE_MAT | Material Auth./Actual Comparison |
/ISDFPS/COMPARE_PERS | Pers. Authorized/Actual Comparison |
/ISDFPS/CPMGOS1 | Activate GOS Service "Change Auth." |
/ISDFPS/CREIP1M | Maintain Obj.Ty.Usage for IPO Types |
/ISDFPS/CREIP2M | Maintain Rent.Obj. Type for IPO Tys |
/ISDFPS/CREIPFM | Maintain Func. Usage for Func. IPO |
/ISDFPS/CREIPLY | Maintain Arch.Obj. Ty for Plan. Lvl |
/ISDFPS/CREIPNM | Maintain Usage Type for IPO Function |
/ISDFPS/CREL | Maintain Relocations/Reloc. Steps |
/ISDFPS/CREL01 | Maintain Relocation |
/ISDFPS/CREL02 | Maintain Relocation Steps |
/ISDFPS/CREL03 | Maintain Weight Groups |
/ISDFPS/CREL04 | Maintain Relocation Types |
/ISDFPS/CREL1 | Maintain Relocation |
/ISDFPS/CREL2 | Maintain Relocation Steps |
/ISDFPS/CRERRFM | Maintain Srch Req.Ty. f. IPO Funct. |
/ISDFPS/CRWBD | Replication Workbench - Enhanced |
/ISDFPS/CS_RELOC | Cross-System Reorganization |
/ISDFPS/CUA_SWITCH | Switches the CUA Connection |
/ISDFPS/CUA_USER_CMP | CUA: User Comparison |
/ISDFPS/C_CID | Number Range Mainten.: /ISDFPS/CM |
/ISDFPS/C_CS_CMD | Cust:Cust: Cross-System Commands |
/ISDFPS/C_CS_SYS | Cust.: Assign Log.Syst. to Plnt/SLoc |
/ISDFPS/C_MM_CS | Cust.: Cross-System Basic Settings |
/ISDFPS/C_V_T307 | Maintain Storage Unit Types |
/ISDFPS/C_V_T319 | Maintain Control of Pick-HU Creation |
/ISDFPS/C_V_T319A | Maintain Assgmt of Pick-HU Creation |
/ISDFPS/DISPLAY_AZA | Dependent on Cooperation |
/ISDFPS/DISP_EQU_SIT | Display Equipment Level |
/ISDFPS/DISP_INITSUP | Display Initial and Subs. Supply |
/ISDFPS/DISP_MATSTAT | Display Initial Supply Status |
/ISDFPS/DISP_MAT_SIT | Display Material Situation |
/ISDFPS/DISP_SRV_USE | Display Services Received |
/ISDFPS/DISP_STR_LWC | Force Elements with Log. Work Center |
/ISDFPS/DSP1 | NCG Planning Workbench |
/ISDFPS/DSP_HIER_STR | Hier. Overview of Org. Structure |
/ISDFPS/DSP_OP_RDNS | Hier. Overview of Op. Readiness |
/ISDFPS/EL | Assignment: Storage Bin to Equipment |
/ISDFPS/EPA_HU | Processing of HUs from EPA |
/ISDFPS/EPA_PRINT | Print Equipment Package |
/ISDFPS/EQUITRP | Assignment: Storage Bin to Equipment |
/ISDFPS/EXPO_TEST | Test Explosion FOX for FORCE |
/ISDFPS/EXT_BATCHES | Create External Batch Usage |
/ISDFPS/EXT_BATCHES3 | Display External Batch Usage |
/ISDFPS/FDP1 | Log. Operations Planning & Execution |
/ISDFPS/FDP2 | Log. Operations Planning & Execution |
/ISDFPS/FDP_START | Structures Workbench |
/ISDFPS/FDP_VSTEL | Create/Change Shipping Points |
/ISDFPS/FE01 | Organizational Areas |
/ISDFPS/FE02 | Structure Levels |
/ISDFPS/FE03 | Structure Types |
/ISDFPS/FE04 | Branches |
/ISDFPS/FE05 | Readiness |
/ISDFPS/FE06 | Classification of Armed Forces |
/ISDFPS/FE07 | Material Indicators |
/ISDFPS/FORCERMIGSE | Migration - Assignment O,RF,S |
/ISDFPS/FORCE_CD_DIS | Display Change Documents |
/ISDFPS/GEOLOC1 | Change Geolocation |
/ISDFPS/GEOLOC2 | Display Geolocation |
/ISDFPS/GET_LAGP_BEL | Loading Object Stock |
/ISDFPS/GET_LAGP_LQU | Display Storage Bins |
/ISDFPS/GNR_CHECK | Check Global Number Ranges |
/ISDFPS/GNR_MAINTAIN | Definition of Global Number Ranges |
/ISDFPS/ICM_START | Structures Workbench |
/ISDFPS/IE11 | List Display of Alt. Equip. History |
/ISDFPS/IL07R | Multi-Level Reference Location List |
/ISDFPS/IL21 | Extended Equip. History (Hierarchy) |
/ISDFPS/IMPORT_BELO | Loading Objects |
/ISDFPS/INFO_LES_REL | Reorganization/System Switch |
/ISDFPS/INFRA1 | Infrastructure |
/ISDFPS/INFRA2 | Infrastructure |
/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_ALL | Overview of Infrastructure Material |
/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_RET | Post Infrastruc. Matl to Prior Per. |
/ISDFPS/INFRA_COMP | Auth/Actl Comp. Infra.Matl LocMgmtFE |
/ISDFPS/INIT_SUPPLY | Trigger Initial Supply Run |
/ISDFPS/LA01 | Maintain WM Addnl Attributes Online |
/ISDFPS/LA02 | Maintain WM Addnl Attributes in List |
/ISDFPS/LA03 | Display WM Addnl Attributes in List |
/ISDFPS/LES_RETURN | Reverse Reorganization by Task Org. |
/ISDFPS/LGORT_DELETE | Delete Storage Location |
/ISDFPS/LMACC1 | Enter Aircraft Accident |
/ISDFPS/LMAR01 | Edit Area |
/ISDFPS/LMAR02 | Display Area |