SAP Table WSTN_PP_STRUC - Prepack definition - Components table

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
PPNR X WSTR_LOTNR CHAR 3 18 0 MARA Material Number of the Prepack Material
VARNR X VATNR CHAR 21 18 0 MARA Variant number
CUOBJ CUOBJ NUMC 39 18 0 Configuration (internal object number)
ATZHLX WSTN_ATZHLX NUMC 57 4 0 Position of a value of the column characteristic
ATSRTX WSTN_ATSRTX NUMC 61 4 0 Position of a value of the column characteristic
ATZHLY WSTN_ATZHLY NUMC 65 4 0 Position of a value of the row characteristic
ATZHLZ WSTN_ATZHLZ NUMC 69 4 0 Position of a value of the third characteristic
MENGE WSTN_CPQTY NUMC 73 10 0 Quantity of Variant Allocated