SAP Table WSSOAPPROP_DARK - Transport Table as Replacement fo WSSOAPPROP (Only Transp.)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
VEPNAME X VEPNAME CHAR 0 1 0 Name of a Service Definition
VERSION X R3STATE CHAR 30 1 0 ABAP: Program Status (Active, Saved, Transported...)
WSNAME X WEBSNAME CHAR 31 1 0 Configuration Name
FEATURE X WSSOAPFEATNAME CHAR 61 1 0 WS: Namespace of SOAP Application Features
SOAPAPP X VEPREFTYPE CHAR 189 4 0 Object Type of Reference Object (Function, BAPI, IDOC)
FUNCREF X VEPFUNCMAP CHAR 193 120 0 New Name of a Function in a Service Definition
PROPNUM X NUM4 NUMC 313 4 0 Four-digit number
PROPNAME WSSOAPPROPNAME CHAR 317 1 0 WS: Name of SOAP Application Feature Property
VALUE WSSOAPPROPVALUE CHAR 445 1 0 WS: Value of Property in SOAP Feature
PROFILE_URI WSPROFILE_URI CHAR 573 255 0 URI of a Web Service Comunication or Security Profile