SAP Table WRF1 - Plant data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LOCNR X KUNNR CHAR 3 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
EROED EROED DATS 13 8 0 Opening date
SCHLD SCHLD DATS 21 8 0 Closing date
SPDAB SPDAB DATS 29 8 0 Block from
SPDBI SPDBI DATS 37 8 0 Block to
AUTOB AUTOB CHAR 45 1 0 Automatic purchase order
KOPRO POSKOPRO CHAR 46 4 0 POS outbound profile
FLVAR FLVAR CHAR 60 4 0 Area schema
WANID WANID CHAR 66 3 0 Goods receiving hours ID (default value)
MOAB1 WAMOAB1 TIMS 69 6 0 Goods receipt times: Monday morning from ...
MOBI1 WAMOBI1 TIMS 75 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Monday morning until ...
MOAB2 WAMOAB2 TIMS 81 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Monday afternoon from ...
MOBI2 WAMOBI2 TIMS 87 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Monday afternoon until ...
DIAB1 WADIAB1 TIMS 93 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday morning from...
DIBI1 WADIBI1 TIMS 99 6 0 Goods receipt times: Tuesday morning until ...
DIAB2 WADIAB2 TIMS 105 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday afternoon from ...
DIBI2 WADIBI2 TIMS 111 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Tuesday afternoon until ...
MIAB1 WAMIAB1 TIMS 117 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday morning from ...
MIBI1 WAMIBI1 TIMS 123 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday morning until ...
MIAB2 WAMIAB2 TIMS 129 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday afternoon from ...
MIBI2 WAMIBI2 TIMS 135 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Wednesday afternoon until ...
DOAB1 WADOAB1 TIMS 141 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Thursday morning from ...
DOBI1 WADOBI1 TIMS 147 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Thursday morning until ...
DOAB2 WADOAB2 TIMS 153 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Thursday afternoon from ...
DOBI2 WADOBI2 TIMS 159 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Thursday afternoon until...
FRAB1 WAFRAB1 TIMS 165 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Friday morning from ...
FRBI1 WAFRBI1 TIMS 171 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Friday morning until ...
FRAB2 WAFRAB2 TIMS 177 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Friday afternoon from ...
FRBI2 WAFRBI2 TIMS 183 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Friday afternoon until ...
SAAB1 WASAAB1 TIMS 189 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Saturday morning from ...
SABI1 WASABI1 TIMS 195 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Saturday morning from ...
SAAB2 WASAAB2 TIMS 201 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Saturday afternoon from ...
SABI2 WASABI2 TIMS 207 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Saturday afternoon until ...
SOAB1 WASOAB1 TIMS 213 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Sunday morning from ...
SOBI1 WASOBI1 TIMS 219 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Sunday morning until ...
SOAB2 WASOAB2 TIMS 225 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Sunday afternoon from ...
SOBI2 WASOBI2 TIMS 231 6 0 Goods receiving hours: Sunday afternoon until ...
VERFL VERFL_WWS QUAN 237 6 0 Sales area (floor space)
VERFE VERFE_WWS UNIT 241 3 0 T006 Sales area (floor space) unit
SPGR1 SPGR1 CHAR 244 2 0 Blocking reason
INPRO POSINTPROF CHAR 246 4 0 TWPIS POS inbound profile
EKOAR POSEKOAR CHAR 250 4 0 TWPPK POS outbound: condition type group
KZLIK KZLIK CHAR 254 1 0 Listing conditions should be created per assortment
BETRP BETRP CHAR 255 4 0 Plant profile
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 259 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 267 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
NLMATFB NLMATFB CHAR 279 1 0 ID: Carry out subsequent listing
BWWRK BWWRK CHAR 280 4 0 T001W Plant for retail price determination
BWVKO BWVKO CHAR 284 4 0 TVKO Sales organization for retail price determination
BWVTW BWVTW CHAR 288 2 0 TVTW Distribution channel for retail price determination
BBPRO BBPRO CHAR 290 4 0 TWBP Assortment list profile
VLFKZ VLFKZ CHAR 298 1 0 Plant category
LSTFL LSTFL CHAR 299 2 0 Listing procedure for store or other assortment categories
LIGRD WLIGRD CHAR 301 1 0 Basic listing rule for assortments
VKORG VKOIV CHAR 302 4 0 TVKO Sales organization for intercompany billing
VTWEG VTWIV CHAR 306 2 0 TVTW Distribution channel for intercompany billing
DESROI DESROI DEC 308 5 2 ROI required
TIMINC TIMINC DEC 311 5 0 Time increment for investement buying algorithm
POSWS POSWS CUKY 314 5 0 TCURC Currency of POS systems
SSOPT_PRO SSOPT_PRO CHAR 319 4 0 Space management profile
WBPRO WBPRO CHAR 323 4 0 Profile for value-based inventory management
ORGPRICE E2WRF_ORGPRICES CHAR 327 1 0 Retail: Original Price for Segment Definition E2WRF1M
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 328 10 0 Profit Center
RMA_PROF E2WRMA_PROF CHAR 338 4 0 Retail: RMA Profile for Segment Definition E2WRF1M
RMA_VKORG WCAT_VKORG CHAR 342 4 0 TVKO Cost allocation sales organization
RMA_VTWEG WCAT_VTWEG CHAR 346 2 0 TVTW Cost allocation distribution channel

192423Delivery Processing Performance: Consulting