SAP Table WPSORR - Conversion rules for work centers

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
MAIN_WC X MWCTR CHAR 3 8 0 Main work center of order header
MAIN_PLANT X MWCPLNT CHAR 11 4 0 T001W Plant of main work center
TLO_WC X TLWCTR CHAR 15 8 0 Work center of task list operation
TLO_PLANT X TLWCPLNT CHAR 23 4 0 T001W Plant of work center of task list operation
VALID_FROM X DATUV DATS 27 8 0 Valid-From Date
NEW_WC RESWCTR CHAR 35 8 0 Resulting work center
NEW_PLANT RESWCPLNT CHAR 43 4 0 T001W Plant of resulting work center