SAP Table WPFGR - Family Pricing: Defintion of Family Groups

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FAMNR X WPF_FAMNR CHAR 3 10 0 Identification Number for Price Family
GRP01 X WPF_GROUP CHAR 13 10 0 Number of a Family Group in a Price Family
RMATN WPF_RMATN CHAR 23 18 0 MARA Price Family: Reference Material of Family Group
VRKME W_VRKME_VKP UNIT 41 3 0 T006 Sales Unit
MODKZ WPF_MODKZ CHAR 44 1 0 Price Family: Indicator for Permitted Price Change
GPRKZ WPF_GPRKZ CHAR 45 1 0 Price Group Rounding Allowed for Family Grp of Price Family
PRELS WPF_PRELS CHAR 46 1 0 Price Family: Indicator for Price Relationship
KBETR KBETR_PRELS CURR 47 11 2 Amount for the Price Relationship for a Family Group
KONWA KONWA CUKY 53 5 0 TCURC Rate unit (currency or percentage)
OLDFL WPF_OLDFL CHAR 58 1 0 Different Dist.-Chain-Specific Price Relationship (X = Yes)