SAP Table WIZ_MODUL - Function Modules for the Wizard Tool

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
WIZ_NAME X WIZ_NAME CHAR 0 30 0 Wizard name
STEP_NR X STEP_NUM NUMC 30 2 0 Step number
CHANG_ICON DWIZ_DOCU CHAR 32 30 0 Name of documentation text (dialog text)
SHOW_ICON DWIZ_DOCU CHAR 62 30 0 Name of documentation text (dialog text)
DOCU_MOD PERS_MOD CHAR 92 30 0 Name of the function module
DOCU_TEXT DWIZ_DOCU CHAR 122 30 0 Name of documentation text (dialog text)
SHOW_MOD PERS_MOD CHAR 152 30 0 Name of the function module
CHANG_MOD PERS_MOD CHAR 182 30 0 Name of the function module
SEPARATOR MENU_FLAG CHAR 212 1 0 Customized ('C') or standard menu ('S') flag