SAP Table WEWU - EMU: Planning of currency conversions

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
EWUVW X EWUVW CHAR 3 2 0 EMU: Object Use for Currency Conversion
EWUOA X EWUOA CHAR 5 2 0 EMU: Object Type for Currency Conversion
EWUOS X EWUOS CHAR 7 50 0 EMU: Variable Object Key
WRSVO X WRSVO CUKY 57 5 0 TCURC EMU: Currency Prior to Conversion
UMDAT X EUMDT DATS 62 8 0 EMU: latest conversion date
WRSNA WRSNA CUKY 70 5 0 TCURC EMU: currency after conversion
BNDAT BNDAT DATS 75 8 0 Currency conversion: Date on which agent notified
KONAM EKONAM CHAR 83 12 0 USR02 EMU: name of user coordinating conversion
BENAM BENAM CHAR 95 12 0 USR02 EMU: name of user carrying out conversion
BEORO BEORO CHAR 107 14 0 Currency conversion: organizational object of agent
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 121 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
BADAT EBADAT DATS 129 8 0 EMU: date on which processing was completed
FRDAT EFRDAT DATS 137 8 0 EMU: Date of Release
UMSTA UMSTA CHAR 145 1 0 Currency conversion: Status of a conversion plan
BELNR KBELN CHAR 152 10 0 WKBK Number of pricing document

458384FAQ: Consulting for the changeover to the euro in purchasing
444587Incorrect values in info records, contracts
446428Report for currency conversion annual business volume
416125Error message VC462 due to lock table overflow