SAP Table WELP - Competitor: Price Entry Document (Item)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
MBELN X MBELN CHAR 3 10 0 Competitor: document number of price entry document
MBELP X MBELP NUMC 13 5 0 Item number of competitor price entry document
ERWRK ERWRK CHAR 18 4 0 T001W Competitor prices: entry plant
ERLNR ERLNR NUMC 22 5 0 Competitor prices: number of entry list
MBWNR MBWNR CHAR 27 10 0 KNA1 Customer number of competitor
VKORG VKORG CHAR 37 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 41 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 43 4 0 T001W Plant
PLTYP PLTYP CHAR 47 2 0 T189 Price list type
KVEWE KVEWE CHAR 49 1 0 T681V Usage of the condition table
KAPPL KAPPL CHAR 50 2 0 T681A Application
KSCHL KSCHL CHAR 52 4 0 T685 Condition Type
KOTABNR KOTABNR NUMC 56 3 0 T681 Condition table
KDUMMY DUMMY CHAR 59 1 0 Dummy function in length 1
MATNR MATNR CHAR 60 18 0 MARA Material Number
VRKME VRKME UNIT 78 3 0 T006 Sales unit
MBETR KBETR CURR 81 11 2 Rate (condition amount or percentage)
MWAER WAERS CUKY 87 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
MPEIN KPEIN DEC 92 5 0 Condition pricing unit
MMEIN KMEIN UNIT 95 3 0 T006 Condition unit
VKKAB VKKAB DATS 98 8 0 Sales conditions valid from
VKKBI VKKBI DATS 106 8 0 Sales conditions valid to
KNUMH KNUMH CHAR 114 10 0 Condition record number
BPSTA BPSTA_EL CHAR 124 1 0 Item status for competitor price entry document
PDUMMY DUMMY CHAR 125 1 0 Dummy function in length 1