SAP Table WDFR1 - Requirements Planning for Perishables

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
MARKFELD CHAR0001 CHAR 3 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
BESTELLT CHAR0001 CHAR 4 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
SATKZ CHAR0001 CHAR 5 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
MATNR MATNR CHAR 6 18 0 MARA Material Number
MATKL MATKL CHAR 24 9 0 T023 Material Group
MAKTX MAKTX CHAR 33 40 0 Material Description (Short Text)
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 73 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
LNAME1 NAME1 CHAR 83 30 0 Name
UMSMNG MCW_UMSMNG QUAN 113 15 3 Sales quantity in base unit of measure
LABST LABST QUAN 121 13 3 Valuated Unrestricted-Use Stock
UAVMNG MCW_UAVMNG QUAN 128 15 3 Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view), quantity
BVLMNG MCW_BVLMNG QUAN 136 15 3 Order volume quantity Retail
DIFMNG MCW_BVLMNG QUAN 144 15 3 Order volume quantity Retail
BASME MEINS UNIT 152 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
MENGE BSTMG QUAN 155 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
MEINS BSTME UNIT 162 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
PEINH EPEIN DEC 165 5 0 Price Unit
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 168 2 0 Sales Tax Code
EKGRP EKGRP CHAR 170 3 0 T024 Purchasing Group
SATNR SATNR CHAR 173 18 0 MARA Cross-Plant Configurable Material
WERKS EWERKS CHAR 191 4 0 T001W Plant for individual capacity
FACTR BB_FACTR CHAR 195 6 0 Conversion factor for order Un to sales Un for astmt. list
LOCNR KUNNR CHAR 201 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
BBTYP BBTYP CHAR 211 1 0 Assortment List Type
VRKME VRKME UNIT 212 3 0 T006 Sales unit
WAERS WAERS CUKY 215 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
KWAER KWAER CUKY 220 5 0 TCURC Controlling area currency
VWAER VWAER CUKY 225 5 0 TCURC Sales currency
HWAER VWAER CUKY 230 5 0 TCURC Sales currency
VRKPE VRKPE DEC 235 5 0 Sales price unit
EKPNN EKPNN CURR 238 11 2 Sales Pricing: Purchase Price (Net/Net)
EKPGR EKPGR CURR 244 11 2 Purchase Price Calculation: (Basic Purchase Price)
SPABA SPABA CURR 250 11 2 Current margin (gross)
SPANE SPANE CURR 256 11 2 Margin (net) in sales price calculation
ENDPA ENDPA CURR 262 11 2 Current Final Price
VKPNE VKPNE CURR 268 11 2 Sales price (net)
WBTYP VWWSBTYPVO CHAR 274 1 0 Default doc. category, store order inbound - replenishment
EKKAM EKKAM DATS 275 8 0 Key date for purchase price conditions
VKKAM VKKAM DATS 283 8 0 Key date for sales price conditions
BESAB SPTAG DATS 291 8 0 Period to analyze - current date
BESBI SPTAG DATS 299 8 0 Period to analyze - current date
PROAB SPTAG DATS 307 8 0 Period to analyze - current date
PROBI SPTAG DATS 315 8 0 Period to analyze - current date
SSTUF SSTUF CHAR 323 2 0 TWSS Assortment grade
AKTNR WAKTION CHAR 325 10 0 Promotion
RELIF RELIF CHAR 335 1 0 Regular Vendor
SAKTX MAKTX CHAR 336 40 0 Material Description (Short Text)
KOEIN KOEIN CUKY 376 5 0 Rate unit (currency, sales unit, or %)