SAP Table WCOCOF - Condition Contract: Document Flow Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
CLIENT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
KNUMV X KNUMV CHAR 3 10 0 Number of the document condition
KPOSN X KPOSN NUMC 13 6 0 Condition item number
STUNR X STUNR NUMC 19 3 0 Step number
ZAEHK X DZAEHK NUMC 22 2 0 Condition counter
NUM WCB_COCO_NUM CHAR 24 10 0 Condition Contract Number
GUID WCB_GUID RAW 34 16 0 Condition Contract GUID
DOC_TYPE_TO WCB_DOC_TYPE CHAR 50 2 0 Document Type
DOCNR_TO WCB_DOCNR_TO CHAR 52 10 0 Condition Contract: Document Number of Follow-On Document
KNUMH KNUMH CHAR 62 10 0 Condition record number
KOPOS KOPOS NUMC 72 2 0 Sequential number of the condition
KAPPL KAPPL CHAR 74 2 0 T681A Application
KSCHL KSCHA CHAR 76 4 0 T685 Condition type
LOGICAL_DELETED WCB_LOGICAL_DELETED CHAR 80 1 0 Indicator: Deleted Logically
FLOW_TYPE WCB_FLOW_TYPE CHAR 81 1 0 Document Flow Type