SAP Table WBO2 - Log item file for simulative list for load building

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BOHANDLE X BOHANDLE CHAR 3 18 0 Retail Number for Entries in Simulation List for LB
SIMDEIND X SIMDEIND DEC 21 4 0 Item no. of retail number in the sim. list for load building
MATNR MATNR CHAR 24 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 42 4 0 T001W Plant
LTSNR LTSNR CHAR 46 6 0 WYT1 Vendor Subrange
EBELN EBELN CHAR 52 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 62 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
POCRFLG POCREFLG CHAR 67 1 0 Flag indicating whether a purchase order was created
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 68 4 0 T001L Storage Location
INFNR INFNR CHAR 72 10 0 EINA Number of Purchasing Info Record
PRWRT WLB2_AVR_DAILY_FORECAST QUAN 82 13 3 Average forecast value per day
QTYONHND QTYONHND QUAN 89 13 3 Total warehouse stock for a material
QTYONORD QTYONORD QUAN 96 13 3 Total open purchase order quantity for a material
CURWEKSA CURWEKSA QUAN 103 13 3 Specifies sales of a particular material in previous week
RGOFCOV RGOFCOV DEC 110 4 1 Range of coverage for material depending on stock + PO
PONORINV PONORINV QUAN 113 13 3 Order qty of a material on the basis of a stadard pur. ord.
POPROINV POPROINV QUAN 120 13 3 Order qty of a material on the basis of promotion orders
PONORMAL PONORMAL QUAN 127 13 3 Order qty of a material on the basis of a stadard pur. ord.
POINVBUY POINVBUY QUAN 134 13 3 Quantity of material ordered based on inv. buy requiurement
NEXTPRDY NEXTPRDY DATS 141 8 0 Date on which the next promotion starts
NEXTIBDY NEXTIBDY DATS 149 8 0 Date when next price change starts
CURODVAL CURODVAL CURR 157 11 2 Material's order value
CURODVOL CURODVOL QUAN 163 13 3 Material order volume
CURODWGT CURODWGT QUAN 170 13 3 Material order weight
LGRAD LGRAD DEC 177 3 1 Service level
EBELT EBELT CHAR 179 1 0 Document category
WAERS WAERS CUKY 180 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
VOLEH VOLEH UNIT 185 3 0 T006 Volume unit
GEWEI GEWEI UNIT 188 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
BSTME BSTME UNIT 191 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
MHDHB MHDHB DEC 194 4 0 Total shelf life
CURODWGTN CURODWGT QUAN 197 13 3 Material order weight
GEWEIN GEWEI UNIT 204 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
CURODPUN CURODPUN QUAN 207 13 3 Material re-order point
PUNEI PUNEI UNIT 214 3 0 T006 Points unit
KONNR KONNR CHAR 217 10 0 EKKO Number of Principal Purchase Agreement
KTPNR KTPNR NUMC 227 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Principal Purchase Agreement
EINDT EINDT DATS 232 8 0 Item Delivery Date