SAP Table WBO1 - Log header file for simulative list for load building

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BOHANDLE X BOHANDLE CHAR 3 18 0 Retail Number for Entries in Simulation List for LB
LIFNR ELIFN CHAR 21 10 0 LFA1 Vendor Account Number
EKORG EKORG CHAR 31 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
BOPNR BOPNR CHAR 35 4 0 Restriction Profile for PO-Based Load Building
CSERLEV1 CSERLEV1 DEC 39 4 1 Vendor-specific service level today
CSERLEV2 CSERLEV2 DEC 42 4 1 Vendor-specific service level for tomorrow
CSERLEV3 CSERLEV3 DEC 45 4 1 Vendor-specific service level for the future
NEXTPRDY NEXTPRDY DATS 48 8 0 Date on which the next promotion starts
NEXTIBDY NEXTIBDY DATS 56 8 0 Date when next price change starts
BOREASON BOREASON CHAR 64 80 0 Reason for automatic PO-based load building
WKCHECK WKCHECK CHAR 144 1 0 Indicator: Rework in load-building
NURSIMU NURSIMU CHAR 145 1 0 Indicator: simulation of automatic load-building
WLBLTSSPLITT WLBLTSSPLITT CHAR 146 1 0 Indicator: Load building per vendor sub-range
WLBCREDAT WLBCREDAT DATS 147 8 0 Creation date of log record for auto. load building
WLBCRETIM WLBCRETIM TIMS 155 6 0 Creation time of load record for auto. load building
SBSUBMI SBSUBMI CHAR 161 10 0 Collective Number for PO-Based Load Building
BEDAT BEDAT DATS 171 8 0 Purchase Order Date
EINDT EINDT DATS 179 8 0 Item Delivery Date