SAP Table WBB_SAVE2 - Temporary Assortment List Objects: Store-Specific

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
WBB_ID X WBB_ID INT4 4 10 0 ID for Objects Changed in WBB
PACKET_NR X PACKET_NR INT4 8 10 0 Package Number
FILIA X ASORT CHAR 12 10 0 Assortment
ASORT ASORT CHAR 22 10 0 Assortment
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 32 4 0 T001W Plant
LOCNR LOCNR CHAR 36 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number for Plant
VLFKZ VLFKZ CHAR 46 1 0 Plant category
KOPRO POSKOPRO CHAR 47 4 0 POS outbound profile
VKORG VKORG CHAR 51 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 55 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
VTWKO VTWKO CHAR 57 2 0 TVTW Reference distribution channel for conditions
VLTYP VLTYP CHAR 59 1 0 Distribution chain category
VLKEB VLKEB CHAR 60 1 0 Allowed pricing levels below distribution chain level
EKORG EKORG CHAR 61 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
NAME1 NAME1_BAS CHAR 65 35 0 Name 1
SPRAS SPRAS LANG 100 1 0 T002 Language Key
WAERS WAERS CUKY 101 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
POSWS POSWS CUKY 106 5 0 TCURC Currency of POS systems
SPART SPAIV CHAR 111 2 0 TSPA Division for intercompany billing
LAND1 LAND1 CHAR 113 3 0 T005 Country Key
KUNNR KUNNR_WK CHAR 116 10 0 KNA1 Customer number of plant
PLTYP PLTYP CHAR 126 2 0 T189 Price list type
FABKL FABKL CHAR 128 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar key
UMTYP POSUMSTYP CHAR 130 4 0 TWPUT Conversion Category
VZEIT POSVZEIT NUMC 134 3 0 Lead time for POS outbound processing
ERMOD POSERRMOD CHAR 137 1 0 Error behavior
POSDEX POSDEX CHAR 138 1 0 Flag: automatic data interchange with store
EKOAR POSEKOAR CHAR 139 4 0 TWPPK POS outbound: condition type group
SPMDL SPMDL CHAR 143 2 0 Block POS master data outbound processing
BBPRO BBPRO CHAR 145 4 0 TWBP Assortment list profile
BBVZEIT BBVZEIT INT1 149 3 0 Lead time for assortment list
DATAB ERSBI DATS 150 8 0 Creation date to which change pointers were selected
TIMEAB ERZBI TIMS 158 6 0 Creation time to which change pointers were selected
VERSNR BBVERSNR NUMC 174 6 0 Assortment list version no.