SAP Table WALE - Material to store assignment to promotion

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AKTNR X WAKTION CHAR 3 10 0 Promotion
ARTNR X MATNR CHAR 13 18 0 MARA Material Number
MEBME X W_MEBME UNIT 31 3 0 T006 Sales unit
KUNNR X LOCNR CHAR 34 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number for Plant
CLINT X CLINT NUMC 44 10 0 Internal Class Number
WALNR WA_WALNR NUMC 54 10 0 Plant - material of promotion in message control
AKTHE W_AKTHE CHAR 64 4 0 Promotion theme
ERLIS ERLIS CHAR 68 1 0 Error cat. after listing rule check
GENLI W_GENLI CHAR 69 1 0 Execute generation if listing check error detected
VKORG VKORG CHAR 70 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 74 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
EKORG EKORG CHAR 78 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
EKGRP EKGRP CHAR 82 3 0 T024 Purchasing Group
LIFNR W_LIFNR CHAR 85 10 0 LFA1 Vendor number
LIFTY W_LIFTY CHAR 95 1 0 Vendor Category - Retail
VZWRK W_VZWERK CHAR 96 4 0 T001W Plant number for vendor number of DC
INFWK INFWK CHAR 100 1 0 Info record at plant level
VZEKO VZEKORG CHAR 101 4 0 T024E Purchasing organization of distribution center
VZVKO VZVKORG CHAR 105 4 0 TVKO Sales organization of distribution center
VZVTW VZVTWEG CHAR 109 2 0 TVTW Distribution channel of distribution center
VZSPA VZSPART CHAR 111 2 0 TSPA Division of distribution center
EXTLI W_EXTLI CHAR 113 10 0 LFA1 External vendor
BZQFI W_BZQFI CHAR 123 1 0 Supply Source Determination Status
BEKTB W_BEKTB CHAR 124 4 0 T626 Announcement category - plant
BEKTV W_BEKTV CHAR 128 4 0 T626 Announcement category - distribution center
ABDTB AFIDT DATS 132 8 0 Confirmation request date
RUDAB W_RUDAB DATS 140 8 0 Reply date plant
RUDAV W_RUDAV DATS 148 8 0 Reply date DC
RUSTB W_RUSTB CHAR 156 1 0 Status of reply to announcement - plant
RUSTV W_RUSTV CHAR 157 1 0 Status of reply to announcement - DC
BESTB W_BESTB CHAR 158 1 0 Confirmation can be carried out for plant
BESTV W_BESTV CHAR 159 1 0 Confirmation can be carried out for DC
AENDB W_AENDB CHAR 160 1 0 Send change to plant
AENDV W_AENDV CHAR 161 1 0 Send change to DC
PLEKP W_PLEKP_WALE CURR 162 11 2 Basic purchase price (gross) per plant/material
WAEEK W_WAEEK CUKY 168 5 0 TCURC Purchase price currency
PLVKP W_PLVKP CURR 173 11 2 Sales price for promotion item
WAELA W_WAELA CUKY 179 5 0 TCURC Currency current promotion - planning
EKDAB W_EKDAB DATS 184 8 0 Purchase price conditions valid from
EKDBI W_EKDBI DATS 192 8 0 Purchase price conditions valid to
VKDAB W_VKDAB DATS 200 8 0 On Sale to Consumers From
VKDBI W_VKDBI DATS 208 8 0 On Sale To Consumers To
SPANE SPANE CURR 216 11 2 Margin (net) in sales price calculation
SPABR SPABR CURR 222 11 2 Margin (gross) in sales price calculation
AUFSG AUFSG CURR 228 11 2 Actual Markup in Sales Price Calculation
VSPAN W_SPANE CURR 234 11 2 Net warehouse margin
VSPAB W_SPABR CURR 240 11 2 Gross warehouse margin
VAUFS W_AUFSG CURR 246 11 2 Warehouse markup
VABGM W_MEBME UNIT 252 3 0 T006 Sales unit
VABGP W_VABGP CURR 255 11 2 Transfer price, distribution center
PARKZ W_PARKZ CHAR 261 1 0 Price type indicator (gross, net)
EPEIN EPEIN DEC 262 5 0 Price Unit
VZEPE W_VZEPE DEC 265 5 0 Price unit Transfer price DC
VPEIN VPEIN DEC 268 5 0 Sales price unit
MEBPR BBPRM UNIT 271 3 0 T006 Order Price Unit (Purchasing)
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 274 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 286 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
AENAM AENAM CHAR 294 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 306 8 0 Changed On
LIGEN W_LIGEN CHAR 314 1 0 Listing generation status
AUGEN W_AUGEN CHAR 315 1 0 Allocation table creation status
VKGEN W_VKGEN CHAR 316 1 0 Sales price generation status
EKGEN W_EKGEN CHAR 317 1 0 Purchase price generation status
BEGEB W_BEGEB CHAR 318 1 0 Generation status of announcement - plant
BEGEV W_BEGEV CHAR 319 1 0 Announcement status - DC
BEDEB W_BEDEB CHAR 320 1 0 Detailed status of promotion announcement - plant
BEDEV W_BEDEV CHAR 321 1 0 Detailed status of promotion announcement - DC
RELIF RELIF CHAR 322 1 0 Regular Vendor
ADGEN W_ADGEN CHAR 323 1 0 Additionals maintained
WMNGE WMNGE QUAN 324 13 3 Quantity requested by store
AUFME W_BESTM QUAN 331 13 3 Corrected/confirmed allocation quantity for a promotion item
PABBM W_PABBM QUAN 338 13 3 Planned Sales Qty. of Promotion Material in Sales Units
MIAMG W_MIAMG QUAN 345 13 3 Minimum order qty for promotional material
EKPNN W_EKPNN CURR 352 11 2 Purchase price (net/net)
VKPNN W_VKPNN CURR 358 11 2 Sales price (net)
ECKPKZ F_VKPKZ CHAR 364 1 0 Indicates whether price point tables should override price
PAUFME W_PAUFME QUAN 365 13 3 Planned allocation quantity for promotion item for a plant
ALIVO ALIVO DATS 372 8 0 Starting date for activating DC transfer prices
ALIBI ALIBI DATS 380 8 0 Final date for activating DC transfer prices
EPRGR EPRGR CHAR 388 6 0 TWPK Price point group
NVKP W_NVKP_WALE CURR 394 11 2 Standard sales price at plant level