SAP Table WAKH - Promotion Header Data, IS-R

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AKTNR X WAKTION CHAR 3 10 0 Promotion
AKTYP W_AKTYP CHAR 13 4 0 TWTY Promotion Category
AKART W_AKART CHAR 17 4 0 Promotion Type
WAELA W_WAELA CUKY 21 5 0 TCURC Currency current promotion - planning
WAERA W_WAERA CUKY 26 5 0 TCURC Currency, reference promotion
VGLAK W_VGLAK CHAR 31 10 0 Comparative promotion
LISRE LSTFL CHAR 41 2 0 Listing procedure for store or other assortment categories
AUFAR W_AUFAR CHAR 43 4 0 T620 Allocation Table Type
BEKTY W_BEKTY CHAR 47 4 0 T626 Promotion announcement category
KSBEK W_NACHSM CHAR 51 6 0 T683 Message Schema
AKVST W_AKVST CHAR 57 1 0 Processing status of the promotion
AKAST W_AKAST CHAR 58 1 0 Allocation table status of the promotion
AKBST W_AKBST CHAR 59 1 0 Listing Status of the Promotion
VKGST W_VKKPSH CHAR 60 1 0 Price activation status
EKGST W_EKKPSH CHAR 61 1 0 Purchase price activation status at promotion header level
BEKST W_STBEK CHAR 62 1 0 Promotion announcement status
AKNBS W_AKNBS INT2 64 5 0 No. assigned listing modules
AKNFG W_AKNFG INT2 66 5 0 Promotion: no. of plant groups
AKNBF W_AKNBF INT2 68 5 0 No. of module-plant group assignments
AKNTH W_AKNTH INT2 70 5 0 Promotion, no. of themes
AKNPO W_AKNPO INT2 72 5 0 No. of items with allocation qty > 0
AKNWM W_AKNWM INT2 74 5 0 No. of product catalogs in promotion
AKNTX W_AKNTX INT2 76 5 0 No. of foreign language texts
NEKKO W_NEKKO INT2 78 5 0 No. of purchase prices maintained via price calcul. (KONP)
NVKKO W_NVKKO INT2 80 5 0 No. of sales prices maintained via price calculation (KONP)
NARTS W_NARTS INT2 82 5 0 No. of blocked materials
ATNPO W_ATNPO INT2 84 5 0 Number of promo materials in generated allocation tables
VTART W_LCHECK CHAR 86 1 0 Check Against Listing Rules/Listing Conditions
EKDAB W_EKDAB DATS 87 8 0 Purchase price conditions valid from
EKDBI W_EKDBI DATS 95 8 0 Purchase price conditions valid to
VKDAB W_VKDAB DATS 103 8 0 On Sale to Consumers From
VKDBI W_VKDBI DATS 111 8 0 On Sale To Consumers To
ALIVO W_ALIVO DATS 119 8 0 Start of promotion listing
ALIBI W_ALIBI DATS 127 8 0 End of promotion listing
SPDAB W_SPDAB DATS 135 8 0 Promotion blocked on
SPGRU W_SPGRU CHAR 143 1 0 Reason for promotion block
EKKON W_EKKON CHAR 144 1 0 Create purchase price condition records
VKKON W_VKKON CHAR 145 1 0 Create sales price condition records
KOBOG W_KOBOG CHAR 146 4 0 Group of condition types/tables for purchasing conditions
EKORG EKORG CHAR 150 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
EKGRP W_EKGRP CHAR 154 3 0 T024 Purchasing Group - Promotion Header
VKORG W_VKORG_HEADER CHAR 157 4 0 TVKO Sales organization: promotion header
VTWEG W_VTWEG_HEADER CHAR 161 2 0 TVTW Distribution channel: promotion header
PLUEP W_PLUEP CURR 163 13 2 Promotion plan, sales at purchase price
PLUEN W_PLUEN CURR 170 13 2 Planned sales qty for promo at delivered price (net/net)
PLUVP W_PLUVP CURR 177 13 2 Promotion Plan Sales Volume at Promo. Sales Prices
PLMGE W_PLMGE QUAN 184 13 3 Promotion plan, no. logistics units
PLANZ W_PLANZ NUMC 191 6 0 Promotion plan, no. of materials
MELAK W_MELAK UNIT 197 3 0 T006 Logistics unit, promotion plan
MELRA W_MELRA UNIT 200 3 0 T006 Logistics units, reference promotion
PDUEP W_PDUEP CURR 203 13 2 Detailed promotion plan, sales volume at purchase price
PDUEN W_PDUEN CURR 210 13 2 Planned sales qty at delivered price (net/net)
PDUVP W_PDUVP CURR 217 13 2 Detailed Promotion Plan Sales Volume at Promo. Sales Price
PDMGE W_PDMGE QUAN 224 13 3 Detailed promotion plan, no. of logistics units
PDANZ W_PDANZ NUMC 231 6 0 Detailed Promotion Plan, Number of Materials
VAUEP W_VAUEP CURR 237 13 2 Sales volume at purchase price for comparative promotion
VAUEN W_VAUEN CURR 244 13 2 Comparative promotion: sales delivered price(net/net)
VAUVP W_VAUVP CURR 251 13 2 Sales volume of comparative promotion at sales prices
VAMGE W_VAMGE QUAN 258 13 3 No. of log. units in comparative promotion
RFIND ABREX CHAR 265 20 0 External description for agreement
VAANZ W_VAANZ NUMC 285 6 0 No. of materials/units of measure in comparative promotion
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 291 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 303 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
AENAM AENAM CHAR 311 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 323 8 0 Changed On
KOBVK W_KOBVK CHAR 331 4 0 Group of condition types/tables for sales price conditions
FADAT W_FADAT DATS 335 8 0 Earliest Order Date
SADAT W_SADAT DATS 343 8 0 Latest Order Date
FLDAT W_FLDAT DATS 351 8 0 Earliest delivery date
SLDAT W_SLDAT DATS 359 8 0 Latest delivery date
ADDIBELNR ADDI_BELNR CHAR 367 10 0 Document number for additional
VZKON W_VZKON CHAR 377 1 0 Create DC condition records
KALKE W_AKTARTH CHAR 378 1 0 Activation type for sales prices
PLTYP W_PLTYP CHAR 379 2 0 T189 Price list type: promotion header
NO_KALK NO_KALK CHAR 381 1 0 Price Activation w/o Price Calculation
EKERV W_EKERV CHAR 382 2 0 TWEV Promotion: Purchase price determination sequence
RFCDEST RFCDEST CHAR 384 32 0 RFCDES Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call)
ERAPPL W_ERAPPL CHAR 416 1 0 Application that Created the Promotion
KSCHL_PERC KSCHL_PERC CHAR 417 4 0 T685 Condition Type Percentage Discount
KSCHL_VAL KSCHL_VAL CHAR 421 4 0 T685 Condition Type Absolute Discount
PLUNP W_PLUNP CURR 425 13 2 Promotion Plan Invoiced Sales at Standard Sales Prices
PLURE W_PLURE CURR 432 13 2 Promotion Plan Gross Revenue
PLULO W_PLULO CURR 439 13 2 Promotion Plan Invoiced Lost Sales
ALLOW_PMAT_IGNO WPM_ALLOW_PMAT_IGNO_PROMO CHAR 454 1 0 Variant Price Allowed (for Promotion Type)
REF_PROMO WAKTPP_REF_PROMO CHAR 455 10 0 Higher-Level Promotion
IS_REF_PROMO WAKTPP_IS_REF_PROMO CHAR 505 1 0 Indicator: Higher-Level Promotion
BEKST2 WAKTPP_STBEK2 CHAR 506 1 0 Status of New Announcement
ERDOCN WAKTPP_ERDOCN CHAR 507 10 0 Document that Created the Retail Promotion
HIER_ID WAKT_HIER_CNT CHAR 517 2 0 Hierarchy