SAP Table WAEL - Delivery Phases in Retail Promotion

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AKTNR X WAKTION CHAR 3 10 0 Promotion
ARTNR X MATNR CHAR 13 18 0 MARA Material Number
MEBME X W_MEBME UNIT 31 3 0 T006 Sales unit
KUNNR X LOCNR CHAR 34 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number for Plant
LWNUM X LFNR3 NUMC 44 3 0 Serial number
WERKS WERKW CHAR 47 4 0 T001W Plant in SAP Retail (store/DC)
WEDAT LFDAT DATS 51 8 0 Delivery date
WETYP PRGRS CHAR 59 1 0 Date type (day, week, month, interval)
WEUZT LZEIT TIMS 60 6 0 Delivery Date Time-Spot
WEPRZ LWPRZ NUMC 66 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
AUFME W_BESTM QUAN 69 13 3 Corrected/confirmed allocation quantity for a promotion item
WMNGE WMNGE QUAN 76 13 3 Quantity requested by store
PAUFME W_PAUFME QUAN 83 13 3 Planned allocation quantity for promotion item for a plant
PABBM W_PABBM QUAN 90 13 3 Planned Sales Qty. of Promotion Material in Sales Units
VLFKZ VLFKZ CHAR 97 1 0 Plant category
RUSTB W_RUSTB CHAR 98 1 0 Status of reply to announcement - plant