SAP Table VZGPO - Partner/role object relationship

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
SNUMOBJ X VVNUMOBJ CHAR 3 2 0 Key for number range object
SOBJEKT X VVSOBJGPO CHAR 5 13 0 Internal key for object for business partner table
PARTNR X BP_PARTNR CHAR 18 10 0 Business Partner Number
ROLETYP X BP_ROLETYP CHAR 28 4 0 TPZ3 Business Partner Role Category
DTRANS X VVDTRANS DATS 32 8 0 Flow data key: System date
DBEBEZ DBEBEZ DATS 40 8 0 Date of start of relationship
DENBEZ DENBEZ DATS 48 8 0 Date of end of relationship
APPL BP_APPL CHAR 56 4 0 TPZ12 Application Category
ADR_REF BP_ADR_REF CHAR 60 10 0 TP14 Address ID
ROLE BP_ROLE CHAR 70 4 0 Business Partner Role Type
PBEZ PBEZ DEC 74 10 7 Percentage rate of relationship
BBEZ BBEZ CURR 80 13 2 Relationship amount
SBBEZ WAERS CUKY 87 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 92 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
GZLSCH VVGZLSCH CHAR 102 1 0 T042E Payment method for credit memos
BVTYP BVTYP CHAR 103 4 0 Partner Bank Type
ZLSCH DZLSCH CHAR 107 1 0 T042E Payment Method
SDUNNDOC SDUNNDOC CHAR 108 1 0 Type of Dunning Letter
SDUNNBUC SDUNNBUC CHAR 109 1 0 Post Dunning Charges and Interest to This Partner
NORDER NORDER NUMC 110 8 0 Order Number

398888BP_TR1: Composite note and FAQs about bus partner conversion
591007SAP BP Conversion:Composite SAP note various error correctns
598851STM: Change in CML for BaFin KWG24c Release 4.0B to 4.6C
541293SAP BP conversion: Data inconsistencies after BP conversion