SAP Table VWORDE - Order Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
NORDER X NORDER NUMC 7 8 0 Order Number
DTRANS X VVDTRANS DATS 15 8 0 Flow data key: System date
TTRANS X VVTTRANS TIMS 23 6 0 Transaction data key: system time
NTRANS X VVNTRANS NUMC 29 4 0 Transaction data key: Consecutive number
RERF RERF CHAR 33 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 45 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 53 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 59 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 69 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 81 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 89 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 95 10 0 Editing Source
RANL VVRANLW CHAR 105 13 0 Security ID Number
RLDEPO VRLDEPO CHAR 118 10 0 Securities Account
SSTATI SSTATI NUMC 128 2 0 TZC37 Status of data record
INTEB VVSINTEB NUMC 130 2 0 TDINTEB Financial Assets Management internal level
SBEWZITI SBEWZITI CHAR 136 4 0 TZB03 Flow category
SSOLHAB VVSSOLHAB CHAR 140 1 0 Debit/credit indicator
DVORGANG DVORGANG DATS 141 8 0 Activity date
SVORGANG RVORGANG CHAR 149 8 0 Securities-Activity
SNWHR SNWHR CUKY 157 5 0 TCURC Currency of nominal amount
SBWHR SBWHR CUKY 162 5 0 TCURC Position Currency (Currency of Position Amount)
SCWHR SCWHR CUKY 167 5 0 TCURC Settlement Currency
ASTUECK ASTUECK DEC 172 15 5 Number of units for unit-quoted securities
BWKURS BWKURS CURR 180 13 2 Security price for unit quotation
BNWHR BNWHR CURR 187 13 2 Nominal amount
PWKURS PWKURS DEC 194 10 7 Security price for percentage quotation
BBWHR BBWHR CURR 200 13 2 Amount in position currency
BCWHR BCWHR CURR 207 13 2 Settlement Amount
BHWHR BHWHR CURR 214 13 2 Amount in local currency
KURS1 KURSF DEC 221 9 5 Exchange rate
KURS2 KURSF DEC 226 9 5 Exchange rate
DORDER DORDER DATS 231 8 0 Order day
DVALUT VVDZINVAL DATS 239 8 0 Interest Value Date/Calculation Date
DDISPO VVDWERTST DATS 247 8 0 Value date / planning day
DBESTAND DBESTAND DATS 255 8 0 Position value date
DBEST6B DBEST6B DATS 263 8 0 Date for §6b EstG relevant postings
SSPESEN SSPESEN CHAR 271 1 0 Expenses key
SLIMIT SLIMIT CHAR 272 1 0 Order notation
BLIMIT BLIMIT CURR 273 13 2 Limit price for unit quotation
PLIMIT PLIMIT DEC 280 10 7 Limit price for percentage quotation
RBANKK RBANKK CHAR 286 10 0 Bank account
RKONTRA RKONTRA_NEW CHAR 296 10 0 Reference to Counterparty
SROLEXTKO DUMMY_3 CHAR 306 3 0 Dummy function
SFDLEV FDLEV CHAR 309 2 0 T036 Planning Level
JFDUPD JFDUPD CHAR 311 1 0 Record transferred to cash management and forecast
JONLAEN JONLAEN CHAR 312 1 0 Indicator for fixing a flow record
JZINSBAS JZINSBAS CHAR 313 1 0 Flow in interest base
JZINSZPT JZINSZPT CHAR 314 1 0 Interest date
PKOND PKOND DEC 315 10 7 Percentage rate for condition items
SSTCKKZ SSTCKKZ CHAR 321 1 0 Accrued interest method
SSTCKTG SSTCKTG CHAR 322 1 0 Accrued interest: Daily method
PEFFZINS PEFFZINS DEC 323 10 7 Effective Interest Rate
SEFFMETH SEFFMETH NUMC 329 1 0 Effective Interest Method (Financial Mathematics)
SCRWHR1 WAERS CUKY 330 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
SCRWHR2 WAERS CUKY 335 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
KCROSS KURSF DEC 340 9 5 Exchange rate
NORDEXT NORDEXT CHAR 345 20 0 External order number
SWOHER SWOHER CHAR 365 1 0 Source of flow record
XZUSATZ XZUSATZ CHAR 366 18 0 Assignment
DANST DANST DATS 384 8 0 Reservation date
TANST TANST TIMS 392 6 0 Order time of day
SANST SANST CHAR 398 2 0 Reservation reason
SABRECH CHAR1 CHAR 400 1 0 Single-Character Indicator
SVERFALL CHAR1 CHAR 401 1 0 Single-Character Indicator
SOBJECT VVKEYOBJ CHAR 414 10 0 Internal key for object
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 424 10 0 Cost Center
GSBER GSBER CHAR 434 4 0 TGSB Business Area
BBASIS BBASIS CURR 438 13 2 Calculation base amount
DBERVON DBERVON DATS 445 8 0 Start of Calculation Period
DBERBIS DBERBIS DATS 453 8 0 End of Calculation Period
ATAGE VVATAGE NUMC 461 6 0 Number of days
ABASTAGE ABASTAGE NUMC 467 6 0 Number of base days in a calculation period
SZBMETH SZBMETH CHAR 473 1 0 Interest Calculation Method
SROLEXTZB SROLEXT CHAR 484 3 0 TZRE External role of partner
JVERK6B CHAR1 CHAR 487 1 0 Single-Character Indicator
SFLAT VVSFLAT CHAR 498 1 0 Indicator 'Traded flat', accrued interest calculation
DCOUPON VVDCOUPON DATS 499 8 0 Coupon date of next delivered coupon
SCOUPON VVSCOUPON CHAR 507 1 0 Coupon ID for interest and accrued interest calculation
SSWHR VVSSWHR CUKY 508 5 0 TCURC Stock price currency
BSWHR VVBSWHR CURR 513 13 2 Market value
SRUNIT VVSRUNIT CHAR 520 5 0 Currency unit
KWKURS VVKWKURS DEC 525 15 6 Security price
SINCL VVSINCL NUMC 533 1 0 Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period
DSCHLUSS VVDSCHLUSS DATS 534 8 0 Date of business closing
TSCHLUSS VVTSCHLUSS TIMS 542 6 0 Time of business closing
SFGKZ VVSFGKZ CHAR 548 1 0 Release Indicator
RAHABKI TB_RHABKI CHAR 549 5 0 T012 Short key for own house bank
RAHKTID TB_RHKTID CHAR 554 5 0 T012K Short key for house bank account
RPBANK TB_RPBANK CHAR 559 4 0 Partner bank details
ZLSCH DZLSCH CHAR 563 1 0 T042E Payment Method
SZART TB_SZART CHAR 564 1 0 Payment transaction
SEXCLVON VVSEXCLVON NUMC 565 1 0 Exclusive Indicator for the Start of a Calculation Period
SULTVON VVSULTVON CHAR 566 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Start of a Calculation Period
SINCLBIS VVSINCLBIS NUMC 567 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
SULTBIS VVSULTBIS CHAR 568 1 0 Month-End Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
PEFFZCALL PEFFZINS DEC 569 10 7 Effective Interest Rate
RFHA TB_RFHA CHAR 575 13 0 Financial Transaction
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 588 22 0 ONR00 Object number
SDELETE VVSLOEKZ NUMC 610 1 0 Deletion indicator
TBEGRU TBEGRU CHAR 611 4 0 Authorization Group
ZUOND TB_ZUOND CHAR 615 18 0 Assignment
REFER TB_REFER CHAR 633 16 0 Internal Reference
MERKM TB_MERKM CHAR 649 25 0 Characteristics
DBUDAT BUDAT DATS 674 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
SPAYRQ TB_SPAYRQK CHAR 682 1 0 Generate payment request
SPRSNG TB_SPRSNGK CHAR 683 1 0 Individual payment
RPZAHL TB_RPZAHL_NEW CHAR 684 10 0 Payer/payee

746051Obsolete database tables for Rel. R/3 Enterprise 2.00
90300Number ranges in Treasury: overview