SAP Table VVSCULCFC - Customer-Initiated Payment Clearing

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
GPART X GPART_KK CHAR 3 10 0 Business Partner Number
INSOBJECT X INSOBJECT_MD CHAR 13 20 0 Identification for an Insurance Object
OPBEL X OPBEL_KK CHAR 33 12 0 Number of Contract Accts Rec. & Payable Doc.
OPUPW X OPUPW_KK NUMC 45 3 0 Repetition Item in Contract Account Document
OPUPK X OPUPK_KK NUMC 48 4 0 Item number in contract account document
OPUPZ X OPUPZ_KK NUMC 52 3 0 Subitem for a Partial Clearing in Document
BETRW BETRW_KK CURR 55 13 2 Amount in Transaction Currency with +/- Sign
DONE DONE_KK CHAR 67 1 0 Processed?
STATE CFC_STATE CHAR 68 2 0 CFC_ITEM_STATE CFC: Status of an application table entry
LOCK_USER CFC_UNAME CHAR 70 12 0 USR02 Name of the person to last change the status of the object
LOCK_LIMIT CFC_LOCK_LIMIT DATS 82 8 0 CFC: Lock period of a lock entry
WORKSTATE CFC_WORKSTATE CHAR 90 2 0 CFC_IT_WORKSTATE Last processing status of a clarification case
RESUBMIT_DATE CFC_RESUBMIT_DATE DATS 92 8 0 Date on which Resubmission Occurs
WF_COUNT CFC_WORKFLOW_COUNTER INT1 100 3 0 Number of active workflows with this clarification case