SAP Table VVKKREPNP - Coinsurance Reporting: Report Item OBSOLETE

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
GUID X GUID CHAR 3 1 0 Globally Unique Identifier
POSNR X MELPO_VK NUMC 19 5 0 Report Item
GPART GPART_KK CHAR 24 10 0 Business Partner Number
VKONT VKONT_KK CHAR 34 12 0 Contract Account Number
VTREF VTREF_KK CHAR 46 20 0 Reference Specifications from Contract
AUFKP AUFKP_VK CHAR 96 9 0 Recording Header Item
ABRZU ABRZU_KK DATS 105 8 0 Lower Limit of Settlement Period
ABRZO ABRZO_KK DATS 113 8 0 Upper Limit of the Billing Period
OPBEL OPBEL_KK CHAR 121 12 0 Number of Contract Accts Rec. & Payable Doc.
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 133 4 0 T001 Company Code
WAERS WAERS CUKY 137 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
BETRH_B BETRH_BR_VK CURR 142 13 2 Base Amount in Local Currency with +/- Sign
BETRH_S BETRH_SR_VK CURR 149 13 2 Prorated Amount in Local Currency with +/- Sign
BETRH_O BETRH_O_VK CURR 156 13 2 Prorated Open Amount in Local Currency
BETRH_R BETRH_R_VK CURR 163 13 2 Amount to Be Reported in Local Currency
BETRH_O_OLD BETRH_O_OLD_VK CURR 170 13 2 Prorated Open Amount in Local Currency (Old)
BETRH_BT BETRH_BT_VK CURR 177 13 2 Cumulative Base Amount in Local Currency
BETRH_ST BETRH_ST_VK CURR 184 13 2 Cumulative Prorated Amount in Local Currency
BETRH_RT BETRH_RT_VK CURR 191 13 2 Cumulative Reporting Amount in Local Currency