SAP Table VVKKIHIST - Deposit Acct Interest Calc: History (Detail)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VKONT X VKONT_KK CHAR 3 12 0 Contract Account Number
WAERS X BLWAE_KK CUKY 15 5 0 TCURC Transaction Currency
IOPBEL X IOPBEL_KK CHAR 20 12 0 Number of an interest document
LFDNR X LFDNUM_VK NUMC 32 2 0 Sequence Number
LAUFI LAUFI_KK CHAR 42 6 0 Additional Identification Characteristic
ABDAT ABDAT_KK DATS 48 8 0 Base date for interest calculation
BISDAT BISDT_KK DATS 56 8 0 End date-interest calc.
SALDO BETRW_KK CURR 64 13 2 Amount in Transaction Currency with +/- Sign
BETRW BETRW_KK CURR 71 13 2 Amount in Transaction Currency with +/- Sign
RATE ERATE DEC 78 10 7 Interest rate for int.calc.
IRULE IRULE CHAR 84 10 0 Interest Calculation Rule
IDAYS EDAYS INT4 96 10 0 Number of days interest is calculated for
RC RC_CALC NUMC 100 2 0 Return Value (Return Code)