SAP Table VVKKFAPOS - Invoicing Items in FS-CD

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FANR X NRZAS_KK CHAR 3 12 0 Payment Form Number
OPBEL X OPBEL_KK CHAR 15 12 0 Number of Contract Accts Rec. & Payable Doc.
OPUPW X OPUPW_KK NUMC 27 3 0 Repetition Item in Contract Account Document
OPUPK X OPUPK_KK NUMC 30 4 0 Item number in contract account document
OPUPZ X OPUPZ_KK NUMC 34 3 0 Subitem for a Partial Clearing in Document
ABTYP ABTYP_VK CHAR 37 2 0 Origin Area of a Payment Form
VKTYP VKTYP_KK CHAR 39 2 0 Contract Account Category
FAART ABART_VK CHAR 41 2 0 Invoicing Type
GPART GPART_KK CHAR 43 10 0 Business Partner Number
VKONT VKONT_KK CHAR 53 12 0 Contract Account Number
OPBUK PYBUK_KK CHAR 65 4 0 T001 Company Code for Automatic Payment Transactions
VTREF VTREF_KK CHAR 69 20 0 Reference Specifications from Contract
LAUFD LAUFD DATS 89 8 0 Date on Which the Program Is to Be Run
LAUFI LAUFI_KK CHAR 97 6 0 Additional Identification Characteristic
SLART SELTT_KK CHAR 103 1 0 Selection Category
WAERS WAERS CUKY 104 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
BETRW BETRW_KK CURR 109 13 2 Amount in Transaction Currency with +/- Sign
RFZAS RFZAS_KK CHAR 116 30 0 External key payment form
XCOLLBILL XCOLLBILL_VK CHAR 146 1 0 Indicator: Invoice is a Collective Invoice
XSIMU FKK_XSIMU_KK CHAR 147 1 0 Mass act: Simulation run

419173Collective note 'IS-IS-CD performance'