SAP Table VVKKCFREC - Cash Receipts to be Transferred to Claims System

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
OPBEL X OPBEL_KK CHAR 3 12 0 Number of Contract Accts Rec. & Payable Doc.
OPUPW X OPUPW_KK NUMC 15 3 0 Repetition Item in Contract Account Document
OPUPK X OPUPK_KK NUMC 18 4 0 Item number in contract account document
OPUPZ X OPUPZ_KK NUMC 22 3 0 Subitem for a Partial Clearing in Document
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 33 4 0 T001 Company Code
AUGST AUGST_KK CHAR 37 1 0 Clearing status
GPART GPART_KK CHAR 38 10 0 Business Partner Number
VTREF VTREF_KK CHAR 48 20 0 Reference Specifications from Contract
REFCLAIM REFCLAIM_VK CHAR 68 8 0 Reference to Payment in Claims Management System
VKONT VKONT_KK CHAR 76 12 0 Contract Account Number
APPLK APPLK_KK CHAR 88 1 0 Application area
HVORG HVORG_KK CHAR 89 4 0 TFKHVO Main Transaction for Line Item
TVORG TVORG_KK CHAR 93 4 0 TFKTVO Subtransaction for Document Item
XANZA XANZA_KK CHAR 99 1 0 Item is a Down Payment/Down Payment Request
OPTXT OPTXT_KK CHAR 100 50 0 Item text
WAERS BLWAE_KK CUKY 150 5 0 TCURC Transaction Currency
FAEDN FAEDN_KK DATS 155 8 0 Due date for net payment
KURSF KURSF_KK DEC 163 9 5 Exchange rate
BETRW BETRW_KK CURR 168 13 2 Amount in Transaction Currency with +/- Sign
AUGDT AUGDT_KK DATS 175 8 0 Clearing date
AUGBL AUGBL_KK CHAR 183 12 0 Clearing Document or Printed Document
AUGRD AUGRD_KK CHAR 195 2 0 Clearing Reason
AUGWA AUGWA_KK CUKY 197 5 0 TCURC Clearing currency
AUGBT AUGBT_KK CURR 202 13 2 Clearing amount in clearing currency
XTAUS XTAUS_KK CHAR 209 1 0 Item Split
BLART BLART_KK CHAR 210 2 0 Document Type
AUGBW AUGBW_KK CURR 212 13 2 Clearing Amount in Transaction Currency (With +/- Sign)
AUGBH AUGBH_KK CURR 219 13 2 Clearing amount in local currency with +/- sign
AUGBO AUGBO_KK CURR 226 13 2 Clearing Amount in Open Item Currency
ORIWA ORIWA_KK CUKY 233 5 0 TCURC Document currency of open item
AUG_VTREF VTREF_KK CHAR 238 20 0 Reference Specifications from Contract
AUG_REFCLAIM REFCLAIM_VK CHAR 258 8 0 Reference to Payment in Claims Management System