SAP Table VTPA - Shipping Partner

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VBELN X VBELN CHAR 3 10 0 Sales and Distribution Document Number
POSNR X POSNR NUMC 13 6 0 Item number of the SD document
PARVW X PARVW CHAR 19 2 0 TPAER Partner Function
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 21 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 31 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
PERNR PERNR_D NUMC 41 8 0 Personnel Number
PARNR PARNR NUMC 49 10 0 Number of contact person
ADRNR ADRNR CHAR 59 10 0 Address
ABLAD ABLAD CHAR 69 25 0 Unloading Point
LAND1 LAND1 CHAR 94 3 0 T005 Country Key
ADRDA ADRDA CHAR 97 1 0 Address indicator
XCPDK XCPDK CHAR 98 1 0 Indicator: Is the account a one-time account?
HITYP HITYP_KH CHAR 99 1 0 THIT Customer hierarchy type
PRFRE PRFRE CHAR 100 1 0 Relevant for price determination ID
BOKRE BOKRE CHAR 101 1 0 Indicator: Customer Is Rebate-Relevant
HISTUNR HISTUNR NUMC 102 2 0 Level number within hierarchy
KNREF KNREF CHAR 104 30 0 Customer description of partner (plant, storage location)
LZONE LZONE CHAR 134 10 0 Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered
HZUOR HZUOR NUMC 144 2 0 Assignment to Hierarchy

600396DRB: Implementation of additional business objects