SAP Table VTIFHAPO - Underlying transaction flows

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RFHA X TB_RFHA CHAR 3 13 0 Financial Transaction
RFHAZU X TB_RFHAZU NUMC 16 5 0 Transaction activity
DCRDAT X TB_CRDAT DATS 21 8 0 Entered On
RFHAZB X TB_RFHAZB NUMC 35 4 0 Transaction flow
CRUSER TB_CRUSER CHAR 39 12 0 Entered by
UPUSER TB_UPUSER CHAR 51 12 0 Last Changed by
DUPDAT TB_DUPDAT DATS 63 8 0 Changed on
TUPTIM TB_TUPTIM TIMS 71 6 0 Time changed
RANTYP RANTYP CHAR 77 1 0 Contract Type
SBKKLAS TB_SBKKLAS CHAR 82 1 0 Classification of flows and conditions
SBKTYP TB_SBKTYP CHAR 83 2 0 Category of Flows and Conditions
SBERFIMA SBEWFIMA CHAR 85 4 0 Calculation Category for Cash Flow Calculator
SSIGN TB_SSIGN CHAR 89 1 0 Direction of flow
SHERKUNFT TB_SHERK CHAR 90 4 0 Display Area of Flow or Condition
RKONDGR TB_RKONDGR NUMC 94 1 0 Direction of Transaction
RKOND TB_KOND NUMC 95 4 0 Condition
DGUEL_KP DGUEL_KP DATS 99 8 0 Condition Item Effecitve from
NSTUFE NSTUFE NUMC 107 2 0 Level number of condition item for recurring payments
SKOART SKOART NUMC 109 4 0 TZK01 Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
RREFKONT RREFKONT_OBSOLETE CHAR 113 8 0 T037S Obsolete: Accnt Assignment Ref. in Fin. Assets Management
SBZVABW TB_SBZVABW CHAR 121 1 0 Alternative payment details stated in flow
RAHABKI TB_RHABKI CHAR 122 5 0 T012 Short key for own house bank
RAHKTID TB_RHKTID CHAR 127 5 0 T012K Short key for house bank account
RPZAHL TB_RPZAHL_NEW CHAR 132 10 0 Payer/payee
RPBANK TB_RPBANK CHAR 142 4 0 Partner bank details
SZART TB_SZART CHAR 146 1 0 Payment transaction
ZLSCH DZLSCH CHAR 147 1 0 T042E Payment Method
UZAWE UZAWE CHAR 148 2 0 Payment Method Supplement
SBEWEBE TB_SBEWEBE CHAR 150 1 0 Posting Status of Flow
SSPRGRD TB_SSPRGRD NUMC 151 1 0 Reason Why Flow Is Blocked for Posting
SBFREI TB_SBFREI CHAR 152 1 0 Release Given for Flow to Be Posted?
DFAELL TB_DFAELL DATS 153 8 0 Due date
DZTERM TB_DZTERM DATS 161 8 0 Payment or Delivery Date
BZBETR TB_BZBETR CURR 169 13 2 Payment amount in payment currency
WZBETR TB_WZBETR CUKY 176 5 0 TCURC Payment Currency
BHWBETR TB_HWBETR CURR 181 13 2 Payment Amount in Local Currency
KHWKURS TB_KHWKURS DEC 188 9 5 Local currency rate
ASTUECK TB_ASTUECK DEC 193 15 5 No. of Units for Financial Instruments
BPRICE TB_BPRICE CURR 201 13 2 Price per unit
WPRICE TB_WPRICE CUKY 208 5 0 TCURC Price currency
BHWPREIS TB_HWPREIS CURR 213 13 2 Price in local currency
BINDEX TB_BINDEX CURR 220 13 2 Value of a point
VVBASIS TB_VVBASIS DEC 227 11 6 Price in points
PWKURS TB_PWKURS DEC 233 10 7 Price as percentage quotation
BNWHR TB_BNWHR CURR 239 13 2 Nominal amount
SKURSART TI_KURSART CHAR 256 2 0 Rate/Price Type - Treasury Instruments
DBERVON DBERVON DATS 258 8 0 Start of Calculation Period
DBERBIS DBERBIS DATS 266 8 0 End of Calculation Period
ATAGE VVATAGE NUMC 274 6 0 Number of days
ABASTAGE ABASTAGE NUMC 280 6 0 Number of base days in a calculation period
PKOND PKOND DEC 286 10 7 Percentage rate for condition items
DPKOND VVDPKOND DATS 292 8 0 Determination date for percentage rate of condition items
DZFEST TB_DZFEST DATS 300 8 0 Interest rate fixing date
SZBMETH SZBMETH CHAR 308 1 0 Interest Calculation Method
BBASIS BBASIS CURR 309 13 2 Calculation base amount
WBASIS TB_WBASIS CUKY 316 5 0 TCURC Currency of calculation basis
SINCL VVSINCL NUMC 321 1 0 Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period
SINCLBIS VVSINCLBIS NUMC 322 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
SULTBIS VVSULTBIS CHAR 323 1 0 Month-End Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
SEXCLVON VVSEXCLVON NUMC 324 1 0 Exclusive Indicator for the Start of a Calculation Period
SULTVON VVSULTVON CHAR 325 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Start of a Calculation Period
SAEND TFM_SAEND NUMC 326 1 0 Change Indicator for FiMa Flow Records
DVALUT DVALUT DATS 327 8 0 Calculation Date
SVINCL VVSVINCL NUMC 335 1 0 Inclusive indicator for value date
SVULT VVSVULT CHAR 336 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Value Date
SBWGARTREF TB_SBWGREF CHAR 337 4 0 TZB0A Referenced flow type
SKHWFIX TB_SKHWFIX CHAR 341 1 0 Indicator for translation into local currency
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 342 18 0 Assignment Number
BPPRC TB_BPPRC DEC 360 15 6 Security Price for Percentage Quotation
BUPRC TB_BUPRC DEC 368 15 6 Security Price Without Currency Ref. with Unit Quotation
SRUNIT TB_RUNIT CHAR 376 5 0 Currency unit of rate
REGI_STATE TB_IRA_REGISTRATION_STATE CHAR 381 2 0 Status of Interest Rate Adjustment