SAP Table VTIDERI - Master Data Listed Options and Futures

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RANL X VVRANLW CHAR 3 13 0 Security ID Number
DJAHR TI_DJAHR NUMC 19 4 0 Expiration year
DMONAT TI_DMOANT NUMC 23 2 0 Expiration month
SOFTYP TI_SOFTYP NUMC 25 2 0 Options/futures category
SOPTTYP TV_OPTTYP NUMC 27 3 0 ATO1 Original option category (on closing)
SABRMET TI_SABRMET CHAR 30 1 0 Settlement Method Option
SMARGART TB_MARGART CHAR 31 5 0 AT51 Margin type
SNOTTYPE TI_NOTTYPE CHAR 36 1 0 Quotation type option/future
PPTICK TI_PPTICK DEC 37 10 7 Tick in percentage points
BETICK TI_BETICK CURR 43 13 2 Tick as amount
PITICK TI_PITICK DEC 50 11 6 Tick in index points
BWTICK TI_BWTICK CURR 56 13 2 Tick value
WWTICK TI_WWTICK CUKY 63 5 0 TCURC Tick Value Currency
SPUTCALL TI_SPUTCAL NUMC 68 1 0 Put/call indicator
SSETTLFL TI_SETTLFL CHAR 69 1 0 Settlement indicator
SOPTAUS SOPTAUS NUMC 70 1 0 Exercise Type (American or European)
DVERFALL TI_DVERF DATS 71 8 0 Expiration date
DLHANDEL TI_DLHAND DATS 79 8 0 Last trade date
DERFUELL TI_DERFUE DATS 87 8 0 Settlement date
SKALID SKALID CHAR 95 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar
BNOMS BNOMS CURR 97 13 2 Nominal value
RNWHR RNWHR CUKY 104 5 0 TCURC Nominal currency
PKOND PKOND DEC 109 10 7 Percentage rate for condition items
SZSREF SZSREF CHAR 115 10 0 T056R Reference Interest Rate
SZBMETH SZBMETH CHAR 125 1 0 Interest Calculation Method
DENDF DENDF DATS 126 8 0 Final due date
ASTUECK ASTUECK DEC 134 15 5 Number of units for unit-quoted securities
URANL VVRANLW CHAR 142 13 0 Security ID Number
UINDEX IDX CHAR 155 10 0 Securities Index
BPINDEX TI_BPINDEX CURR 165 13 2 Value of an index point
WPINDEX TI_WPINDEX CUKY 172 5 0 TCURC Index point currency
BSTRIKE TI_BSTRIKE CURR 177 13 2 Strike as amount
PKSTRIKE TI_PKSTRIK DEC 189 9 4 Strike in points
IPSTRIKE TI_IPSTRIK DEC 194 10 7 Strike as inverted percentage notation
DEBEG DEBEG DATS 200 8 0 Issue start date