SAP Table VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED - Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
RFHA X TB_RFHA CHAR 7 13 0 Financial Transaction
RFHAZU X TB_RFHAZU NUMC 20 5 0 Transaction activity
DCRDAT X TB_CRDAT DATS 25 8 0 Entered On
RFHAZB X TB_RFHAZB NUMC 39 4 0 Transaction flow
CRUSER TB_CRUSER CHAR 43 12 0 Entered by
UPUSER TB_UPUSER CHAR 55 12 0 Last Changed by
DUPDAT TB_DUPDAT DATS 67 8 0 Changed on
TUPTIM TB_TUPTIM TIMS 75 6 0 Time changed
RANTYP RANTYP CHAR 81 1 0 Contract Type
SBKKLAS TB_SBKKLAS CHAR 86 1 0 Classification of flows and conditions
SBKTYP TB_SBKTYP CHAR 87 2 0 Category of Flows and Conditions
SBERFIMA SBEWFIMA CHAR 89 4 0 Calculation Category for Cash Flow Calculator
SSIGN TB_SSIGN CHAR 93 1 0 Direction of flow
SHERKUNFT TB_SHERK CHAR 94 4 0 Display Area of Flow or Condition
SABVERF TB_SABVERF CHAR 98 5 0 Procedure to Generate Derived Flows
RKONDGR TB_RKONDGR NUMC 103 1 0 Direction of Transaction
RKOND TB_KOND NUMC 104 4 0 Condition
DGUEL_KP DGUEL_KP DATS 108 8 0 Condition Item Effecitve from
NSTUFE NSTUFE NUMC 116 2 0 Level number of condition item for recurring payments
SKOART SKOART NUMC 118 4 0 TZK01 Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
RREFKONT RREFKONT_OBSOLETE CHAR 122 8 0 T037S Obsolete: Accnt Assignment Ref. in Fin. Assets Management
SBZVABW TB_SBZVABW CHAR 130 1 0 Alternative payment details stated in flow
RAHABKI TB_RHABKI CHAR 131 5 0 T012 Short key for own house bank
RAHKTID TB_RHKTID CHAR 136 5 0 T012K Short key for house bank account
RPZAHL TB_RPZAHL_NEW CHAR 141 10 0 Payer/payee
RPBANK TB_RPBANK CHAR 151 4 0 Partner bank details
SZART TB_SZART CHAR 155 1 0 Payment transaction
ZLSCH DZLSCH CHAR 156 1 0 T042E Payment Method
UZAWE UZAWE CHAR 157 2 0 Payment Method Supplement
SPAYRQ TB_SPAYRQK CHAR 159 1 0 Generate payment request
SPRSNG TB_SPRSNGK CHAR 160 1 0 Individual payment
SPRGRD TB_SPRGRD CHAR 161 1 0 Determine grouping definition
SCSPAY TB_SCSPAY CHAR 162 1 0 Same direction necessary for joint payment?
ZWELS DZWELS CHAR 163 10 0 List of the Payment Methods to be Considered
PAYGR PAYGR CHAR 173 20 0 Grouping Field for Automatic Payments
SBEWEBE TB_SBEWEBE CHAR 193 1 0 Posting Status of Flow
SSPRGRD TB_SSPRGRD NUMC 194 1 0 Reason Why Flow Is Blocked for Posting
SBFREI TB_SBFREI CHAR 195 1 0 Release Given for Flow to Be Posted?
SSTORNOBWG TB_SBWGSTO CHAR 196 1 0 Flow reversal in Treasury
PRKEY PRQ_KEYNO CHAR 197 10 0 Key Number for Payment Request
BELNR BELNR_D CHAR 207 10 0 Accounting Document Number
BELNR2 TB_BELNR2 CHAR 217 10 0 Doc. no. of a second accounting doc. for currency swap
GJAHR GJAHR NUMC 227 4 0 Fiscal Year
DBUCHUNG BUDAT DATS 231 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
DFAELL TB_DFAELL DATS 239 8 0 Due date
DZTERM TB_DZTERM DATS 247 8 0 Payment or Delivery Date
BZBETR TB_BZBETR CURR 255 13 2 Payment amount in payment currency
WZBETR TB_WZBETR CUKY 262 5 0 TCURC Payment Currency
BHWBETR TB_HWBETR CURR 267 13 2 Payment Amount in Local Currency
KHWKURS TB_KHWKURS DEC 274 9 5 Local currency rate
ASTUECK TB_ASTUECK DEC 279 15 5 No. of Units for Financial Instruments
BPRICE TB_BPRICE CURR 287 13 2 Price per unit
WPRICE TB_WPRICE CUKY 294 5 0 TCURC Price currency
BHWPREIS TB_HWPREIS CURR 299 13 2 Price in local currency
BINDEX TB_BINDEX CURR 306 13 2 Value of a point
VVBASIS TB_VVBASIS DEC 313 11 6 Price in points
PWKURS TB_PWKURS DEC 319 10 7 Price as percentage quotation
PRKKURS TI_PRKUR DEC 325 13 9 Currency option premium with price in points
BNWHR TB_BNWHR CURR 332 13 2 Nominal amount
SKURSART TI_KURSART CHAR 349 2 0 Rate/Price Type - Treasury Instruments
DBERVON DBERVON DATS 351 8 0 Start of Calculation Period
DBERBIS DBERBIS DATS 359 8 0 End of Calculation Period
ATAGE VVATAGE NUMC 367 6 0 Number of days
ABASTAGE ABASTAGE NUMC 373 6 0 Number of base days in a calculation period
PKOND PKOND DEC 379 10 7 Percentage rate for condition items
DPKOND VVDPKOND DATS 385 8 0 Determination date for percentage rate of condition items
DZFEST TB_DZFEST DATS 393 8 0 Interest rate fixing date
SZBMETH SZBMETH CHAR 401 1 0 Interest Calculation Method
BBASIS BBASIS CURR 404 13 2 Calculation base amount
WBASIS TB_WBASIS CUKY 411 5 0 TCURC Currency of calculation basis
JEXPOZINS TB_JZINSRE CHAR 416 1 0 Exponential Interest Calculation
SINCL VVSINCL NUMC 417 1 0 Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period
SINCLBIS VVSINCLBIS NUMC 418 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
SULTBIS VVSULTBIS CHAR 419 1 0 Month-End Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
SEXCLVON VVSEXCLVON NUMC 420 1 0 Exclusive Indicator for the Start of a Calculation Period
SULTVON VVSULTVON CHAR 421 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Start of a Calculation Period
SAEND TFM_SAEND NUMC 422 1 0 Change Indicator for FiMa Flow Records
DVALUT DVALUT DATS 423 8 0 Calculation Date
SVINCL VVSVINCL NUMC 431 1 0 Inclusive indicator for value date
SVULT VVSVULT CHAR 432 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Value Date
JSOFVERR TFMSOFVERR CHAR 433 1 0 Indicator for Immediate Settlement (Financial Mathematics)
DVERRECH VVDVERRECH DATS 434 8 0 Settlement date
SINCLVERR VVSINCLVER NUMC 442 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for Clearing Date
SULTVERR VVSULTVERR CHAR 443 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Clearing Date
SSTORNOMAN TB_SBWGSTM CHAR 444 1 0 Manual reversal of flows posted in FI
SSTORNOART TB_SSTOART CHAR 445 2 0 Type of manual reversal of flows posted in FI
SBWGARTREF TB_SBWGREF CHAR 447 4 0 TZB0A Referenced flow type
SKHWFIX TB_SKHWFIX CHAR 451 1 0 Indicator for translation into local currency
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 452 18 0 Assignment Number
RLDEPO RLDEPO CHAR 470 10 0 Securities Account
RANL VVRANLW CHAR 480 13 0 Security ID Number
RTRBELNR TPM_DEDOC_RDOCNRINT CHAR 493 15 0 Internal document number of derivatives document
BUPRC TB_BUPRC DEC 508 15 6 Security Price Without Currency Ref. with Unit Quotation
BPPRC TB_BPPRC DEC 516 15 6 Security Price for Percentage Quotation
WBBETR TB_WBBETR CUKY 524 5 0 TCURC Currency of Position Amount
BBBETR TB_BBBETR CURR 529 13 2 Amount that Changes the Position
WEBETR TB_WEBETR CUKY 536 5 0 TCURC Price currency
BEBETR TB_BEBETR CURR 541 13 2 Market Value in Quotation Currency
SRUNIT TB_RUNIT CHAR 548 5 0 Currency unit of rate
KZWKURS TB_KZWKURS DEC 553 9 5 Payment currency rate
KBWKURS TB_KBWKURS DEC 558 9 5 Position currency rate
WSBETR TB_WFROM CUKY 563 5 0 TCURC Currency Key for Currency Conversion: Source Currency
DBESTAND TB_DBESTAND DATS 568 8 0 Position Value Date
SSTCKKZ SSTCKKZ CHAR 576 1 0 Accrued interest method
SSTCKTG SSTCKTG CHAR 577 1 0 Accrued interest: Daily method
SFLAT VVSFLAT CHAR 578 1 0 Indicator 'Traded flat', accrued interest calculation
SCOUPON VVSCOUPON CHAR 579 1 0 Coupon ID for interest and accrued interest calculation
DCOUPON VVDCOUPON DATS 580 8 0 Coupon date of next delivered coupon
AWKEY AWKEY CHAR 588 20 0 Reference Key
INDEX_VALUE TIDX_INDEX_VALUE_NO_RATIO DEC 608 18 12 Index Value (Independent of Basis)
SBASIS SBASIS CHAR 618 4 0 TZFB Calculation base indicator
REGI_STATE TB_IRA_REGISTRATION_STATE CHAR 622 2 0 Status of Interest Rate Adjustment
RPCODE RPCODE CHAR 624 20 0 Repetitive Code
RP_TEXT RPCODE_TEXT CHAR 644 50 0 Reference Text for Repetitive Code
HEDGE_ID TPM_HEDGE_ID CHAR 694 1 0 Identification for Hedging Relationship
SPAEXCL TFMSPAEXCL NUMC 712 1 0 Exclusive Indicator for Start Date of a Period
SPAULT TFMSPAULT CHAR 713 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Start Date of a Period
SPEINCL TFMSPEINCL NUMC 722 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for End Date of a Period
SPEULT TFMSPEULT CHAR 723 1 0 Month-End Indicator for End of a Period
AMMRHY AMMRHY NUMC 724 3 0 Frequency in months
AMMRHYZV TFM_AMMRHYZV NUMC 733 2 0 Interest Settlement Frequency for Exponential Interest Calc.
LZBKZ LZBKZ CHAR 735 3 0 State Central Bank Indicator
LANDL LANDL CHAR 738 3 0 T005 Supplying Country
BDIRTY TB_BDIRTY CURR 741 13 2 Dirty Price
BAMOUNTCOMP TB_AMOUNTCOMP CURR 748 13 2 Amount to be Capitalized
NOMINAL_ORG_AMT TB_BNWHR_ORG CURR 755 13 2 Orignal Nominal Amount
RLDEPO2 VRLDEPO CHAR 769 10 0 Securities Account