SAP Table VSVBAK_CN - Version: Sales document: Header data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
VBELN X VBELN_VA CHAR 15 10 0 Sales Document
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 25 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 33 6 0 Entry time
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 39 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ANGDT ANGDT_V DATS 51 8 0 Quotation/Inquiry is valid from
BNDDT BNDDT DATS 59 8 0 Date until which bid/quotation is binding (valid-to date)
AUDAT AUDAT DATS 67 8 0 Document Date (Date Received/Sent)
VBTYP VBTYP CHAR 75 1 0 SD document category
TRVOG TRVOG CHAR 76 1 0 Transaction group
AUART AUART CHAR 77 4 0 TVAK Sales Document Type
AUGRU AUGRU CHAR 81 3 0 Order reason (reason for the business transaction)
GWLDT GWLDT DATS 84 8 0 Guarantee date
SUBMI SUBMI CHAR 92 10 0 Collective Number
LIFSK LIFSK CHAR 102 2 0 TVLS Delivery block (document header)
FAKSK FAKSK CHAR 104 2 0 TVFS Billing block in SD document
NETWR NETWR_AK CURR 106 15 2 Net Value of the Sales Order in Document Currency
WAERK WAERK CUKY 114 5 0 TCURC SD Document Currency
VKORG VKORG CHAR 119 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 123 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
SPART SPART CHAR 125 2 0 TSPA Division
VKGRP VKGRP CHAR 127 3 0 TVKGR Sales Group
VKBUR VKBUR CHAR 130 4 0 TVBUR Sales Office
GSBER GSBER CHAR 134 4 0 TGSB Business Area
GSKST GSKST CHAR 138 4 0 TGSB Business area from cost center
GUEBG GUEBG DATS 142 8 0 Valid-from date (outline agreements, product proposals)
GUEEN GUEEN DATS 150 8 0 Valid-to date (outline agreements, product proposals)
KNUMV KNUMV CHAR 158 10 0 Number of the document condition
VDATU EDATU_VBAK DATS 168 8 0 Requested delivery date
VPRGR PRGRS_VBAK CHAR 176 1 0 Proposed date type
AUTLF AUTLF CHAR 177 1 0 Complete delivery defined for each sales order?
VBKLA VBKLA CHAR 178 9 0 Original system with release and transaction control
VBKLT VBKLT CHAR 187 1 0 SD document indicator
KALSM KALSMASD CHAR 188 6 0 T683 Sales and Distribution: Pricing Procedure in Pricing
VSBED VSBED CHAR 194 2 0 TVSB Shipping Conditions
FKARA FKARA CHAR 196 4 0 Proposed billing type for an order-related billing document
AWAHR AWAHR_AK NUMC 200 3 0 Sales probability
KTEXT KTEXT_V CHAR 203 40 0 Search term for product proposal
BSTNK BSTNK CHAR 243 20 0 Customer purchase order number
BSARK BSARK CHAR 263 4 0 T176 Customer purchase order type
BSTDK BSTDK DATS 267 8 0 Customer purchase order date
BSTZD BSTZD CHAR 275 4 0 Purchase order number supplement
IHREZ IHREZ CHAR 279 12 0 Your Reference
BNAME BNAME_V CHAR 291 35 0 Name of orderer
TELF1 TELF1_VP CHAR 326 16 0 Telephone Number
MAHZA MAHZA DEC 342 3 0 Number of contacts from the customer
MAHDT MAHDT DATS 344 8 0 Last customer contact date
KUNNR KUNAG CHAR 352 10 0 KNA1 Sold-to party
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 362 10 0 Cost Center
STAFO STAFO CHAR 372 6 0 Update group for statistics update
STWAE STWAE CUKY 378 5 0 TCURC Statistics currency
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 383 8 0 Changed On
KVGR1 KVGR1 CHAR 391 3 0 Customer group 1
KVGR2 KVGR2 CHAR 394 3 0 Customer group 2
KVGR3 KVGR3 CHAR 397 3 0 Customer group 3
KVGR4 KVGR4 CHAR 400 3 0 Customer group 4
KVGR5 KVGR5 CHAR 403 3 0 Customer group 5
KNUMA KNUMA CHAR 406 10 0 KONA Agreement (various conditions grouped together)
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 416 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 420 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
KURST KURST CHAR 428 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
KKBER KKBER CHAR 432 4 0 T014 Credit Control Area
KNKLI KNKLI CHAR 436 10 0 KNA1 Customer's account number with credit limit reference
GRUPP GRUPP_CM CHAR 446 4 0 Customer Credit Group
SBGRP SBGRP_CM CHAR 450 3 0 Credit representative group for credit management
CTLPC CTLPC_CM CHAR 453 3 0 Credit management: Risk category
CMWAE WAERS_CM CUKY 456 5 0 TCURC Currency key of credit control area
CMFRE CMFRE DATS 461 8 0 Release date of the document determined by credit management
CMNUP CMNUP DATS 469 8 0 Date of next credit check of document
CMNGV CMNGV DATS 477 8 0 Next date
AMTBL AMTBL_CM CURR 485 15 2 Released credit value of the document
HITYP_PR HITYP_PR CHAR 493 1 0 THIT Hierarchy type for pricing
ABRVW ABRVW CHAR 494 3 0 TVLV Usage Indicator
ABDIS ABDIS CHAR 497 1 0 MRP for delivery schedule types
VGBEL VGBEL CHAR 498 10 0 Document number of the reference document
OBJNR OBJKO CHAR 508 22 0 ONR00 Object number at header level
BUKRS_VF BUKRS_VF CHAR 530 4 0 T001 Company code to be billed
TAXK1 TAXK1 CHAR 534 1 0 Tax classification 1 for customer
TAXK2 TAXK2 CHAR 535 1 0 Tax classification 2 for customer
TAXK3 TAXK3 CHAR 536 1 0 Tax classification 3 for customer
TAXK4 TAXK4 CHAR 537 1 0 Tax Classification 4 Customer
TAXK5 TAXK5 CHAR 538 1 0 Tax classification 5 for customer
TAXK6 TAXK6 CHAR 539 1 0 Tax classification 6 for customer
TAXK7 TAXK7 CHAR 540 1 0 Tax classification 7 for customer
TAXK8 TAXK8 CHAR 541 1 0 Tax classification 8 for customer
TAXK9 TAXK9 CHAR 542 1 0 Tax classification 9 for customer
XBLNR XBLNR_V1 CHAR 543 16 0 Reference Document Number
ZUONR ORDNR_V CHAR 559 18 0 Assignment number
VGTYP VBTYP_V CHAR 577 1 0 Document category of preceding SD document
KALSM_CH KALSMA_CH CHAR 578 6 0 T683 Search procedure for batch determination
AGRZR AGRZR NUMC 584 2 0 Accrual period for order-related billing be accrued
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 586 12 0 AUFK Order Number
QMNUM QMNUM CHAR 598 12 0 QMEL Notification No
VBELN_GRP VBELN_GRP CHAR 610 10 0 Mster contract number
SCHEME_GRP SCHEME_GRP CHAR 620 4 0 TVGRPS Referencing requirement: Procedure
ABRUF_PART ABRUF_PART CHAR 624 1 0 Check partner authorizations
ABHOD ABHOD DATS 625 8 0 Pick up date
ABHOV ABHOZ TIMS 633 6 0 Pick up time
ABHOB ABHOZ TIMS 639 6 0 Pick up time
RPLNR RPLNR CHAR 645 10 0 FPLA Number of payment card plan type
VZEIT EZEIT_VBAK TIMS 655 6 0 Proposed schedule line time (local with ref. to sales org.)
STCEG_L LAND1TX CHAR 661 3 0 T005 Tax Destination Country
LANDTX LANDTX CHAR 664 3 0 T005 Tax departure country
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 667 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
ENQUEUE_GRP ENQUEUE_GRP CHAR 668 1 0 Block master contr. until all lower level contracts updated
DAT_FZAU DAT_FZAU DATS 669 8 0 Cml delivery order qty date
FMBDAT MBDAT DATS 677 8 0 Material Staging/Availability Date
VSNMR_V VSNMR_V CHAR 685 12 0 Sales document version number
HANDLE TSEGGUID_VBAK CHAR 697 22 0 International unique key for VBAK-VBELN
PROLI ADGE_PROLI CHAR 719 3 0 Dangerous Goods Management Profile in SD Documents
CONT_DG ADGE_NCDG CHAR 722 1 0 Indicator: Document contains dangerous goods