SAP Table VSRESB_CN - Version: Reservation/Dependent requirements

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
RSNUM X RSNUM NUMC 15 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
RSPOS X RSPOS NUMC 25 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
RSART X RSART CHAR 29 1 0 Record type
BDART BDART CHAR 30 2 0 Requirement type
RSSTA RSSTA CHAR 32 1 0 Status of reservation
XLOEK XLOEK CHAR 33 1 0 Item is Deleted
XWAOK XWAOK CHAR 34 1 0 Goods Movement for Reservation Allowed
KZEAR KZEAR CHAR 35 1 0 Final Issue for This Reservation
XFEHL XFEHL CHAR 36 1 0 Missing Part
MATNR MATNR CHAR 37 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 55 4 0 T001W Plant
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 59 4 0 T001L Storage Location
PRVBE PRVBE CHAR 63 10 0 Production Supply Area
CHARG CHARG_D CHAR 73 10 0 MCH1 Batch Number
PLPLA PLPLA CHAR 83 10 0 Distribution of Differences
SOBKZ SOBKZ CHAR 93 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator
BDTER BDTER DATS 94 8 0 Requirement Date for the Component
BDMNG BDMNG QUAN 102 13 3 Requirement Quantity
MEINS MEINS UNIT 109 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
SHKZG SHKZG CHAR 112 1 0 Debit/Credit Indicator
FMENG FMENG CHAR 113 1 0 Quantity is Fixed
ENMNG ENMNG QUAN 114 13 3 Quantity Withdrawn
ENWRT ENWRT CURR 121 13 2 Value Withdrawn
WAERS WAERS CUKY 128 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
ERFMG ERFMG QUAN 133 13 3 Quantity in Unit of Entry
ERFME ERFME UNIT 140 3 0 T006 Unit of Entry
PLNUM PLNUM CHAR 143 10 0 PLAF Planned order number
BANFN BANFN CHAR 153 10 0 Purchase Requisition Number
BNFPO BNFPO NUMC 163 5 0 EBAN Item Number of Purchase Requisition
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 168 12 0 AUFK Order Number
BAUGR BAUGR CHAR 180 18 0 MARA Material number of higher-level assembly
SERNR SERNR CHAR 198 8 0 SNUM BOM explosion number
KDAUF KDAUF CHAR 206 10 0 Sales Order Number
KDPOS KDPOS NUMC 216 6 0 Item Number in Sales Order
KDEIN KDEIN NUMC 222 4 0 Delivery Schedule for Sales Order
PROJN PROJN CHAR 226 16 0 Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR
BWART BWART CHAR 242 3 0 T156 Movement Type (Inventory Management)
SAKNR SAKNR CHAR 245 10 0 G/L Account Number
GSBER GSBER CHAR 255 4 0 TGSB Business Area
UMWRK UMWRK CHAR 259 4 0 T001W Receiving/Issuing Plant
UMLGO UMLGO CHAR 263 4 0 T001L Receiving/Issuing Storage Location
NAFKZ NAFKZ CHAR 267 1 0 Indicator: follow-up material active/not active
NOMAT NOMAT CHAR 268 18 0 MARA Follow-up/original material
NOMNG NOMNG QUAN 286 13 3 Required quantity
POSTP POSTP CHAR 293 1 0 T418 Item Category (Bill of Material)
POSNR APOSN CHAR 294 4 0 BOM item number
ROMS1 ROMS1 QUAN 298 13 3 Size 1
ROMS2 ROMS2 QUAN 305 13 3 Size 2
ROMS3 ROMS3 QUAN 312 13 3 Size 3
ROMEI ROMEI UNIT 319 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for sizes 1 to 3
ROMEN ROMEN QUAN 322 13 3 Quantity of variable-size item
SGTXT SGTXT CHAR 329 50 0 Item Text
LMENG LMENG QUAN 379 13 3 Required quantity for in stockkeeping units
ROHPS ROHPS CHAR 386 1 0 Variable-sized item indicator
RFORM RFORM CHAR 387 2 0 Formula key
ROANZ ROANZ QUAN 389 13 3 Number of variable-size items
FLMNG FLMNG QUAN 396 13 3 Shortfall quantity of the component in the order
STLTY STLTY CHAR 403 1 0 BOM category
STLNR STNUM CHAR 404 8 0 Bill of material
STLKN STLKN NUMC 412 8 0 BOM item node number
STPOZ CIM_COUNT NUMC 420 8 0 Internal counter
LTXSP LTXSP LANG 428 1 0 T002 Language: The long text was stored in this language
POTX1 POTX1 CHAR 429 40 0 BOM Item Text (Line 1)
POTX2 POTX2 CHAR 469 40 0 BOM item text (line 2)
SANKA CK_SELKZ CHAR 509 1 0 TCK08 Indicator for Relevancy to Costing
ALPOS ALTPS CHAR 510 1 0 Alternative item indicator
EWAHR EWAHR DEC 511 3 0 Usage probability in % (alternative item)
AUSCH KAUSF DEC 513 5 2 Component scrap in percent
AVOAU AVOAU DEC 516 5 2 Operation scrap
NETAU NETAU CHAR 519 1 0 Indicator: Net scrap
NLFZT NLFZT DEC 520 3 0 Lead-time offset
AENNR AENNR CHAR 522 12 0 Change Number
UMREZ UMREZ DEC 534 5 0 Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure
UMREN UMREN DEC 537 5 0 Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
SORTF SORTP CHAR 540 10 0 Sort String
SBTER SBTER DATS 550 8 0 Latest requirements date
VERTI SA_VERTL CHAR 558 4 0 T437V MRP Distribution Key
SCHGT SCHGT CHAR 562 1 0 Indicator: Bulk Material
UPSKZ UPSKZ CHAR 563 1 0 Indicator: sub-items exist
DBSKZ DBSKZ CHAR 564 1 0 Direct procurement indicator
TXTPS TXTPS CHAR 565 1 0 Item text indicator
DUMPS DUMPS CHAR 566 1 0 Phantom item indicator
BEIKZ BEIKZ CHAR 567 1 0 T417 Material Provision Indicator
ERSKZ ERSKZ CHAR 568 1 0 T413 Indicator: spare part
AUFST AUFST NUMC 569 2 0 Order level
AUFWG AUFWG NUMC 571 2 0 Order path
BAUST BAUST NUMC 573 2 0 Assembly order level
BAUWG BAUWG NUMC 575 2 0 Assembly order path
AUFPS AUFPS CHAR 577 2 0 Order item number
EBELN EBELN CHAR 579 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 589 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
EBELE EETEN NUMC 594 4 0 EKET Delivery Schedule Line Counter
KNTTP KNTTP CHAR 598 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
KZVBR KZVBR CHAR 599 1 0 Consumption Posting
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 608 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
PLNFL PLNFOLGE CHAR 618 6 0 Sequence
VORNR VORNR CHAR 624 4 0 Operation/Activity Number
APLZL CIM_COUNT NUMC 628 8 0 Internal counter
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 636 22 0 ONR00 Object number
FLGAT FOLGENART CHAR 658 1 0 TCA07 Sequence category
GPREIS PPGXXX CURR 659 15 2 Total Price in Local Currency
FPREIS OPREIFX CURR 667 15 2 Fixed Price in Foreign Currency
PEINH PEINH DEC 675 5 0 Price Unit
RGEKZ RGEKZ CHAR 678 1 0 Indicator: Backflush
EKGRP EKGRP CHAR 679 3 0 T024 Purchasing Group
ROKME ROKME UNIT 682 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for variable-size component
ZUMEI DZUMEI UNIT 685 3 0 T006 Unit for cutting measures
ZUMS1 DZUMS1 QUAN 688 13 3 Cutting measure 1
ZUMS2 DZUMS2 QUAN 695 13 3 Cutting measure 2
ZUMS3 DZUMS3 QUAN 702 13 3 Cutting measure 3
ZUDIV DZUDIV NUMC 709 5 0 Integral divisor for cutting measures
VMENG VMENG QUAN 714 15 3 Confirmed quantity for availability check in SKU
PRREG PRREG CHAR 722 2 0 T441R Checking Rule for Availability Check
LIFZT LIFZT DEC 724 3 0 Delivery time in days
CUOBJ CUOBJ NUMC 726 18 0 Configuration (internal object number)
KFPOS KFPOS CHAR 744 1 0 Indicator: "configurable item"
REVLV REVLV CHAR 745 2 0 Revision Level
BERKZ BERKZ CHAR 747 1 0 Material Staging Indicator for Production Supply
LGNUM LGNUM CHAR 748 3 0 T300 Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex
LGTYP LGTYP CHAR 751 3 0 T301 Storage Type
LGPLA LGPLA CHAR 754 10 0 LAGP Storage Bin
TBMNG TBMNG QUAN 764 13 3 Transfer requirement quantity already requested
NPTXTKY TXTKY CHAR 771 12 0 Internal text number (12-character)
KBNKZ KBNKZ CHAR 783 1 0 Kanban Indicator
KZKUP KZKUP CHAR 784 1 0 Indicator: co-product
AFPOS CO_POSNR NUMC 785 4 0 Order Item Number
NO_DISP NODISP CHAR 789 1 0 Ind: Reserv. not applicable to MRP;Purc. req. not created
BDZTP BDZTP TIMS 790 6 0 Time that reservation quantity required
ESMNG ESMNG FLTP 800 16 16 Usage quantity per order unit of measure
ALPGR CS_ALPGR CHAR 808 2 0 Alternative item: group
ALPRF CS_ALPRF NUMC 810 2 0 Alternative item: ranking order
ALPST CS_ALPST CHAR 812 1 0 Alternative item: strategy
KZAUS KZAUS CHAR 813 1 0 Discontinuation indicator
NFEAG CS_NFEAG CHAR 814 2 0 Discontinuation group
NFPKZ CS_KZNFP CHAR 816 1 0 Indicator: Follow-Up Item
NFGRP CS_NFGRP CHAR 817 2 0 Follow-up group
NFUML NFUML DEC 819 5 4 NOT USED: Quantity transfer factor for follow-up material
ADRNR CADNR CHAR 822 10 0 Addresses: Address Number
CHOBJ CUOBJ_CH NUMC 832 18 0 Internal object number of the batch classification
SPLKZ XFELD CHAR 850 1 0 Checkbox
SPLRV RSPOS NUMC 851 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
KNUMH KNUMH_CH CHAR 855 10 0 Number of condition record from batch determination
WEMPF WEMPF CHAR 865 12 0 Goods Recipient/Ship-To Party
ABLAD ABLAD CHAR 877 25 0 Unloading Point
HKMAT HKMAT CHAR 902 1 0 Material-related origin
HRKFT HRKFT CHAR 903 4 0 TKKH1 Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element
VORAB VORABKZ CHAR 907 1 0 Ind: Preliminary order
MATKL MATKL CHAR 908 9 0 T023 Material Group
FRUNV FRUNV CHAR 917 1 0 Indicator: External procurement data incomplete
CLAKZ CLAKZ CHAR 918 1 0 Indicator: classification exists
INPOS INPOS CHAR 919 1 0 Indicator: intra material
WEBAZ WEBAZ DEC 920 3 0 Goods Receipt Processing Time in Days
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 922 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
FLGEX FLGEX CHAR 932 1 0 Indicator: External procurement
FUNCT CY_FUNCT CHAR 933 3 0 TC29V Distribution function
GPREIS_2 PPGXXX CURR 936 15 2 Total Price in Local Currency
FPREIS_2 PPFXXX CURR 944 15 2 Fixed Price in Local Currency
PEINH_2 PEINH DEC 952 5 0 Price Unit
INFNR INFNR CHAR 955 10 0 EINA Number of Purchasing Info Record
KZECH KZECH CHAR 965 1 0 Determination of batch entry in the production/process order
KZMPF KZMPF CHAR 966 1 0 Manual Maintenance of Requirement Date
STLAL STALT CHAR 967 2 0 Alternative BOM
PBDNR PBDNR CHAR 969 10 0 Requirements Plan Number
STVKN STVKN NUMC 979 8 0 Inherited node number of BOM item
KTOMA KTOMA CHAR 987 1 0 Acct entered manually
VRPLA VRPLA CHAR 988 1 0 Indicator: planning without final assembly
KZBWS KZBWS CHAR 989 1 0 Valuation of Special Stock
NLFZV CS_NLFZV DEC 990 3 0 Lead-time offset for operation
NLFMV CS_NLFMV UNIT 992 3 0 T006 Unit for lead-time offset for operation
TECHS TECHS CHAR 995 12 0 Parameter Variant/Standard Variant
OBJTYPE OCM_OBJ_TYPE CHAR 1007 1 0 Change indicator
CH_PROC OCM_CH_PROC CHAR 1008 1 0 Process that has lead to the change of an object
ORGRSNUM RSNUM NUMC 1009 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
ORGRSPOS RSPOS NUMC 1019 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
ORGRSART RSART CHAR 1023 1 0 Record type
FXPRU CK_FIXPRKU CHAR 1024 1 0 Fixed-Price Co-Product
UMSOK UMSOK CHAR 1025 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator for Physical Stock Transfer
VORAB_SM VORAB_SM CHAR 1026 1 0 Advance Shipment Indicator
FIPOS FIPOS CHAR 1027 14 0 Commitment Item
FIPEX FM_FIPEX CHAR 1041 24 0 Commitment Item
FISTL FISTL CHAR 1065 16 0 Funds Center
GEBER BP_GEBER CHAR 1081 10 0 Fund
EXTRSNUM RSNUM NUMC 1091 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
EXTRSPOS RSPOS NUMC 1101 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
EXTRSART RSART CHAR 1105 1 0 Record type
FKBER FKBER CHAR 1126 16 0 Functional Area
PRIO_URG PRIO_URG NUMC 1142 2 0 PURG Requirement Urgency
PRIO_REQ PRIO_REQ NUMC 1144 3 0 PREQ Requirement Priority
KBLNR KBLNR CHAR 1157 10 0 KBLK Document Number for Earmarked Funds
KBLPOS KBLPOS NUMC 1167 3 0 KBLP Earmarked Funds: Document Item

1003051TDMS 3.0 corrections - Composite SAP Note