SAP Table VSPLAF_CN - Version: Planned order

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
PLNUM X PLNUM CHAR 15 10 0 PLAF Planned order number
MATNR PLMAT CHAR 25 18 0 MARA Planning material
PLWRK PLWRK CHAR 43 4 0 T001W Planning Plant
PWWRK PWWRK CHAR 47 4 0 T001W Production plant in planned order
PAART PAART CHAR 51 4 0 Order type
BESKZ BESKZ CHAR 55 1 0 Procurement Type
SOBES SOBES CHAR 56 1 0 Special procurement type
GSMNG GSMNG QUAN 57 13 3 Total planned order quantity
TLMNG TLMNG QUAN 64 13 3 Partial lot quantity
AVMNG AVMNG QUAN 71 13 3 Fixed quantity of scrap from production
BDMNG BDMNG QUAN 78 13 3 Requirement Quantity
PSTTR PSTTR DATS 85 8 0 Order start date in planned order
PEDTR PEDTR DATS 93 8 0 Order finish date in the planned order
PERTR PERTR DATS 101 8 0 Planned opening date in planned order
WEBAZ PLWEZ DEC 109 3 0 Goods receipt processing time in days
DISPO PLDSP CHAR 111 3 0 T024D MRP controller
UMSKZ PLUMS CHAR 114 1 0 Conversion indicator for planned order
AUFFX PLAFX CHAR 115 1 0 Firming indicator for planned order data
STLFX PLSFX CHAR 116 1 0 Fixing indicator for BOM explosion
KNTTP KNTTP CHAR 117 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
KDAUF KDAUF CHAR 118 10 0 Sales Order Number
KDPOS KDPOS NUMC 128 6 0 Item Number in Sales Order
KDEIN KDEIN NUMC 134 4 0 Delivery Schedule for Sales Order
PROJN PROJN CHAR 138 16 0 Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR
RSNUM RSNUM NUMC 154 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
QUNUM QUNUM CHAR 164 10 0 Number of Quota Arrangement
QUPOS QUPOS NUMC 174 3 0 Quota Arrangement Item
FLIEF FLIEF CHAR 177 10 0 LFA1 Fixed Vendor
KONNR KONNR CHAR 187 10 0 EKKO Number of Principal Purchase Agreement
KTPNR KTPNR NUMC 197 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Principal Purchase Agreement
EKORG EKORG CHAR 202 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 206 4 0 T001L Storage Location
NUMVR NUMVR NUMC 210 2 0 Version number
KZVBR KZVBR CHAR 212 1 0 Consumption Posting
SOBKZ SOBKZ CHAR 213 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator
SERNR SERNR CHAR 222 8 0 SNUM BOM explosion number
PALTR PALTR DATS 230 8 0 Explosion date
TECHS TECHS CHAR 238 12 0 Parameter Variant/Standard Variant
STLAN STLAN CHAR 250 1 0 T416 BOM Usage
STALT STALT CHAR 251 2 0 Alternative BOM
AENNR AENNR CHAR 253 12 0 Change Number
ARSNR ARSNR NUMC 265 10 0 Settlement reservation number
ARSPS ARSPS NUMC 275 4 0 Item number of the settlement reservation
VERTO SA_VERTO CHAR 279 4 0 T437V Distribution key for quantity produced
VERID VERID CHAR 283 4 0 Production Version
AUFNR SA_AUFNR CHAR 287 12 0 Run schedule header number
TRART TRART CHAR 299 1 0 Scheduling type of the planned order
PLGRP VAGRP CHAR 300 3 0 T024A Responsible planner group/department
TERST TERST DATS 303 8 0 Start date for production
TERED TERED DATS 311 8 0 Finish date for production
BEDID BEDID NUMC 319 12 0 ID of the capacity requirements record
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 331 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
LINID SP_OPID NUMC 341 15 0 ID for a schedule record
TRMKZ TRMKZ CHAR 356 1 0 Scheduling indicator
TRMER TRMER CHAR 357 2 0 Scheduling error
REDKZ REDKZ CHAR 359 1 0 Reduction indicator for scheduling
TRMHK TRMHK CHAR 360 1 0 Scheduling source
PLNNR PLNNR CHAR 361 8 0 Key for Task List Group
PLNAL PLNAL CHAR 369 2 0 Group Counter
PLNTY PLNTY CHAR 371 1 0 TCA01 Task List Type
FRTHW FRTHW CHAR 372 1 0 Production note in the planned order
RGEKZ CO_RGEKZ CHAR 373 1 0 Indicator: Backflushing for order
MEINS MEINS UNIT 374 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
CUOBJ CUOBJ NUMC 377 18 0 Configuration (internal object number)
REVLV REVLV CHAR 395 2 0 Revision Level
ABMNG ABMNG QUAN 397 13 3 Reduced quantity in the planned order
RATID RATID NUMC 404 12 0 Index for the results of scheduling production rates
GROID GROID NUMC 416 12 0 Index for rough scheduling results
RATER RATER CHAR 428 2 0 Scheduling error in scheduling production rates
GROER GROER CHAR 430 2 0 Scheduling error in rough scheduling
OBART OBART CHAR 432 1 0 Object type
PLSCN PLSCN NUMC 433 3 0 PLSC Planning Scenario of Long-Term Planning
SBNUM SBNUM NUMC 436 10 0 Simulation requirements number
KBNKZ KBNKZ CHAR 446 1 0 Kanban Indicator
KAPFX KAPFX CHAR 447 1 0 Indicator: capacity for planned order dispatched
SEQNR CY_SEQNR NUMC 448 14 0 Seq. number order
PSTTI PSTTI TIMS 462 6 0 Start Time of Planned Order
PEDTI PEDTI TIMS 468 6 0 End Time of Planned Order
MONKZ MONKZ CHAR 474 1 0 Indicator: for assembly order procedures
STSTA STLST NUMC 475 2 0 T415S BOM status
PRNKZ PRNKZ CHAR 477 1 0 Ind.: Leading order in collective order is planned ordre
MDPBV MDPBV CHAR 478 1 0 Planned order: confirmation of availability
VFMNG VFMNG QUAN 479 13 3 Planned order: committed quantity
MDACH MDACH CHAR 486 2 0 Action control: planned order processing
MDACC MDACC CHAR 488 4 0 Action: planned order processing
MDACD MDACD DATS 492 8 0 Date of action: planned order
MDACT MDACT TIMS 500 6 0 Time of action: Planned order processing
GSBTR GSBTR_PLAF DATS 506 8 0 Total commitment date of plnd ord. after ATP check f.comps.
PLETX PLETX CHAR 514 1 0 Planned order shift quantities exist
PRSCH MD_PRSCHED CHAR 515 1 0 Planned order: scheduling using production dates
LVSCH MD_LVSCHED CHAR 516 1 0 Planned order: leading scheduling level (determines dates)
KZAVC KZAVC CHAR 517 1 0 Indicator for type of availability check
VRPLA VRPLA CHAR 518 1 0 Indicator: planning without final assembly
PBDNR PBDNR CHAR 519 10 0 Requirements Plan Number
AGREQ AGREQ CHAR 529 1 0 Requirements totaling
UMREZ UMREZ DEC 530 5 0 Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure
UMREN UMREN DEC 533 5 0 Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
ERFMG ERFMG QUAN 536 13 3 Quantity in Unit of Entry
ERFME ERFME UNIT 543 3 0 T006 Unit of Entry
RQNUM RQNUM NUMC 546 10 0 Requirements record number
KZBWS KZBWS CHAR 556 1 0 Valuation of Special Stock
WEMNG WEMNG QUAN 557 13 3 Quantity of Goods Received
WAMNG WAMNG QUAN 564 13 3 Issued Quantity
EDGNO EDGNO NUMC 571 17 0 M60I Internal number for edge of object dependencies tree
LBLKZ LBLKZ CHAR 588 1 0 Subcontracting vendor
EMLIF EMLIF CHAR 589 10 0 LFA1 Vendor to be supplied/who is to receive delivery
UBERI UBERI CHAR 609 10 0 Issuing MRP area when transferring stock
EMATN EMATN CHAR 619 18 0 MARA Material Number Corresponding to Manufacturer Part Number
REMFL REMFL CHAR 637 1 0 Repetitive Manufacturing indicator
PSTMP PSTMP DEC 638 15 0 Last Change to Planned Order: Time Stamp
PUSER PUSER CHAR 646 12 0 Last Change to Planned Order: User
BADI MD_BADI CHAR 658 1 0 Object change via active Business Add-In
STAEX MD_STAEX CHAR 659 2 0 Status information on BOM explosion in planned order
RESLO RESLO CHAR 661 4 0 T001L Issuing Storage Location for Stock Transport Order