SAP Table VSFPLA_CN - Version: Billing schedule

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
FPLNR X FPLNR CHAR 15 10 0 FPLA Billing plan number / invoicing plan number
FPTYP FPTYP_FP CHAR 25 1 0 Billing plan category
FPART FPART CHAR 26 2 0 TFPLA Billing/Invoicing Plan Type
SORTL SORTL CHAR 28 10 0 Sort field
BEDAT BEDAT_FP DATS 38 8 0 Start date for billing plan/invoice plan
ENDAT ENDAT_FP DATS 46 8 0 End date billing plan/invoice plan
HORIZ HORIZ_FP CHAR 54 2 0 TVRG Rule for Determining Horizon in Billing/Invoicing Plan
VBELN VBELN CHAR 56 10 0 Sales and Distribution Document Number
BEDAR BEDAT_FPK CHAR 66 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of Start Date of Billing/Invoicing Plan
ENDAR ENDAT_FPK CHAR 68 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of End Date for Billing/Invoicing Plan
PERIO PERIO_FP CHAR 70 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of Next Billing/Invoice Date
FPLAE FPLAE NUMC 72 3 0 Length of a standard period in the billing plan
RFPLN RFPLN_D CHAR 75 10 0 FPLA Standard Billing/Invoicing Plan Number
LODAT TADAT DATS 85 8 0 Dates from
AUTTE AUTTE CHAR 93 1 0 Billing/Invoice Creation in Advance
LODAR LODAR CHAR 94 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of Start Dates
PERAF PERAF_FP CHAR 96 2 0 TVRG Rule for Determination of a Deviating Billing/Invoice Date
FAKCA FAKCA CHAR 98 2 0 TFACD Calendar for Defining Days Relevant to Billing/Invoicing
TNDAT TBDAT DATS 100 8 0 Dates to
TNDAR TBDAR CHAR 108 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of End Dates
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 110 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL CO_APLZL NUMC 120 8 0 General counter for order
RSNUM RSNUM NUMC 128 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
RSPOS RSPOS NUMC 138 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
EBELN EBELN CHAR 142 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
FPLTU FPLTU NUMC 152 6 0 Item unlimited in value
AUST1 AUST1_CC CHAR 158 1 0 Payment cards: Status regarding requirements
AUST2 AUST2_CC CHAR 159 1 0 Payment cards: Totals status - Call external system
AUST3 AUST3_CC CHAR 160 1 0 Payment cards: Overall status - Responses from ext. system
AUST4 AUST4_CC CHAR 161 1 0 Payment cards: Reserve
AUST5 AUST5_CC CHAR 162 1 0 Payment cards: Authorization block
BASISWRT BASISWRT CURR 163 15 2 Target value
AUTKOR AUTKOR CHAR 179 1 0 Automatic creation of correction dates in billing plan