SAP Table VSAFVV_CN - Version: Quantities/Dates/Values in order operation

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
AUFPL X CO_AUFPL NUMC 15 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL X CO_APLZL NUMC 25 8 0 General counter for order
MEINH VORME UNIT 40 3 0 T006 Unit of Measure for Activity/Operation
UMREN CP_UMREN DEC 43 5 0 Denominator for converting rtg and op units of measure
UMREZ CP_UMREZ DEC 46 5 0 Numerator for converting task list and oper. un. of measure
BMSCH BMSCH QUAN 49 13 3 Base Quantity
ZEIER DZEIER UNIT 61 3 0 T006 Unit for the break time
VGE01 VGWRTEH UNIT 64 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
VGW01 VGWRT QUAN 67 9 3 Standard Value
VGE02 VGWRTEH UNIT 72 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
VGW02 VGWRT QUAN 75 9 3 Standard Value
VGE03 VGWRTEH UNIT 80 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
VGW03 VGWRT QUAN 83 9 3 Standard Value
VGE04 VGWRTEH UNIT 88 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
VGW04 VGWRT QUAN 91 9 3 Standard Value
VGE05 VGWRTEH UNIT 96 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
VGW05 VGWRT QUAN 99 9 3 Standard Value
VGE06 VGWRTEH UNIT 104 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
VGW06 VGWRT QUAN 107 9 3 Standard Value
ZEIMU DZEIMU UNIT 112 3 0 T006 Unit for the minimum overlap time
ZMINU DZMINU QUAN 115 9 3 Minimum overlap time
MINWE MINWEI QUAN 120 13 3 Minimum Send-Ahead Quantity
ZEIMB DZEIMB UNIT 127 3 0 T006 Unit for the minimum processing time
ZMINB DZMINB QUAN 130 9 3 Minimum processing time
ZEILM DZEILM UNIT 135 3 0 T006 Unit for the maximum wait time
ZLMAX DZLMAX QUAN 138 9 3 Maximum wait time
ZEILP DZEILP UNIT 143 3 0 T006 Unit for the required wait time
ZLPRO DZLPRO QUAN 146 9 3 Minimum wait time
ZEIWN DZEIWN UNIT 151 3 0 T006 Unit for the standard queue time
ZWNOR DZWNOR QUAN 154 9 3 Standard queue time
ZEIWM DZEIWM UNIT 159 3 0 T006 Unit for the minumum queue time
ZWMIN DZWMIN QUAN 162 9 3 Minimum queue time
ZEITN DZEITN UNIT 167 3 0 T006 Unit for the standard move time
ZTNOR DZTNOR QUAN 170 9 3 Standard move time
ZEITM DZEITM UNIT 175 3 0 T006 Unit for the minimum move time
ZTMIN DZTMIN QUAN 178 9 3 Minimum move time
PLIFZ PLIFZ DEC 183 3 0 Planned Delivery Time in Days
DAUNO DAUNOR QUAN 185 5 1 Normal duration of the activity
DAUNE DAUNORE UNIT 188 3 0 T006 Normal duration/unit
DAUMI DAUMIN QUAN 191 5 1 Minimum activity duration
DAUME DAUMINE UNIT 194 3 0 T006 Unit for the minimum duration
EINSA EINSCHRA CHAR 197 1 0 Constraint on the basic start date for the activity
EINSE EINSCHRE CHAR 198 1 0 Constraint on the finish date of the activity
ARBEI ARBEIT QUAN 199 7 1 Work involved in the activity
ARBEH ARBEITE UNIT 203 3 0 T006 Unit for work
MGVRG MGVRG QUAN 206 13 3 Operation Quantity
ASVRG ASVRG QUAN 213 13 3 Operation scrap
LMNGA LMNGA QUAN 220 13 3 Total Yield Confirmed
XMNGA XMNGA QUAN 227 13 3 Total scrap quantity confirmed
GMNGA GMNGA QUAN 234 13 3 Confirmed yield in order unit of measure
ISM01 CO_RUMNG QUAN 241 13 3 Previously confirmed activity
ISM02 CO_RUMNG QUAN 248 13 3 Previously confirmed activity
ISM03 CO_RUMNG QUAN 255 13 3 Previously confirmed activity
ISM04 CO_RUMNG QUAN 262 13 3 Previously confirmed activity
ISM05 CO_RUMNG QUAN 269 13 3 Previously confirmed activity
ISM06 CO_RUMNG QUAN 276 13 3 Previously confirmed activity
ISMNW CO_ISMNW QUAN 283 13 3 Actual work
FSAVD FSAVD DATS 290 8 0 Earliest scheduled start: Execution (date)
FSAVZ FSAVZ TIMS 298 6 0 Earliest scheduled start: Execution (time)
FSSBD FSSBD DATS 304 8 0 Earliest scheduled start: Processing (date)
FSSBZ FSSBZ TIMS 312 6 0 Earliest scheduled start: Processing (time)
FSSAD FSSAD DATS 318 8 0 Earliest scheduled start: Teardown (date)
FSSAZ FSSAZ TIMS 326 6 0 Earliest scheduled start: Teardown (time)
FSEDD FSEDD DATS 332 8 0 Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (date)
FSEDZ FSEDZ TIMS 340 6 0 Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (time)
FSSLD FSSLD DATS 346 8 0 Earliest scheduled start: Wait (date)
FSSLZ FSSLZ TIMS 354 6 0 Earliest scheduled start: Wait (time)
FSELD FSELD DATS 360 8 0 Earliest scheduled finish: Wait (date)
FSELZ FSELZ TIMS 368 6 0 Earliest scheduled finish: Wait (time)
SSAVD SSAVD DATS 374 8 0 Latest scheduled start: Execution (date)
SSAVZ SSAVZ TIMS 382 6 0 Latest scheduled start: Execution (time)
SSSBD SSSBD DATS 388 8 0 Latest scheduled start: Processing (date)
SSSBZ SSSBZ TIMS 396 6 0 Latest scheduled start: Processing (time)
SSSAD SSSAD DATS 402 8 0 Latest scheduled start: Teardown (date)
SSSAZ SSSAZ TIMS 410 6 0 Latest scheduled start: Teardown (time)
SSEDD SSEDD DATS 416 8 0 Latest scheduled finish: Execution (date)
SSEDZ SSEDZ TIMS 424 6 0 Latest scheduled finish: Execution (time)
SSSLD SSSLD DATS 430 8 0 Latest scheduled start: Wait time (date)
SSSLZ SSSLZ TIMS 438 6 0 Latest scheduled start: Wait time
SSELD SSELD DATS 444 8 0 Latest scheduled finish: Wait time (date)
SSELZ SSELZ TIMS 452 6 0 Latest scheduled finish: Wait time
ISAVD ISAVD DATS 458 8 0 Actual operation start (date)
IEAVD IEAVD DATS 466 8 0 Actual finish of operation (date)
ISDD ISDD DATS 474 8 0 Actual start: Execution (date)
ISDZ ISDZ TIMS 482 6 0 Actual start: Execution/setup (time)
IERD IERD DATS 488 8 0 Actual finish: Setup (date)
IERZ IERZ TIMS 496 6 0 Actual finish: Setup (time)
ISBD ISBD DATS 502 8 0 Actual start: Processing (date)
ISBZ ISBZ TIMS 510 6 0 Actual start: Processing (time)
IEBD IEBD DATS 516 8 0 Actual finish: Processing (date)
IEBZ IEBZ TIMS 524 6 0 Actual processing finish (time)
ISAD ISAD DATS 530 8 0 Actual start: Teardown (date)
ISAZ ISAZ TIMS 538 6 0 Actual start: Teardown (time)
IEDD IEDD DATS 544 8 0 Actual finish: Execution (date)
IEDZ IEDZ TIMS 552 6 0 Actual finish: Execution (time)
PEDD CO_PEDD DATS 558 8 0 Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation
PEDZ CO_PEDZ TIMS 566 6 0 Forecast finish time of operation from confirmation
PUFFR PUFFR_FREI DEC 572 3 0 Free float
PUFGS PUFFR_GESM DEC 574 3 0 Total float
NTANF VORGABESTD DATS 576 8 0 Constraint for activity start (Basic)
NTANZ VORGABESTZ TIMS 584 6 0 Constraint for activity start time (Basic)
NTEND VORGABEEND2 DATS 590 8 0 Constraint for Finish of Activity (Basic)
NTENZ VORGABEENZ TIMS 598 6 0 Basic finish time of the activity
EWSTD EWSTARTD DATS 604 8 0 Forecasted start date for the activity
EWSTZ EWSTARTZ TIMS 612 6 0 Forecast start time of the activity
EWEND EWENDED DATS 618 8 0 Forecast finish date
EWENZ EWENDEZ TIMS 626 6 0 Forecast finish time for the activity
EWDAN EWDAN QUAN 632 5 1 Normal duration (from forecast) of activity
EWDNE EWDNE UNIT 635 3 0 T006 Unit for forecast normal duration
EWDAM EWDAM QUAN 638 5 1 Minimum duration (from forecast) for activity
EWDME EWDME UNIT 641 3 0 T006 Unit for forecast minimum duration
EWSTE PS_RESTE CHAR 644 1 0 Forecast date constraint on activity finish
EWSTA PS_RESTA CHAR 645 1 0 Forecast date constraint on activity start
WARTZ WARTEZEIT FLTP 648 16 16 Queue time used for scheduling
WRTZE WTRZE UNIT 656 3 0 Unit of measure for queue time
RUEST RUEST FLTP 664 16 16 Setup time
RSTZE RSTZE UNIT 672 3 0 Unit of measure for setup time
BEARZ BEARZEIT FLTP 680 16 16 Processing time
BEAZE BEAZE UNIT 688 3 0 Unit of measure for processing time
ABRUE ABRUE FLTP 696 16 16 Teardown
ARUZE ARUZE UNIT 704 3 0 Unit of measure for teardown
LIEGZ LIEGEZEIT FLTP 712 16 16 Wait time used for scheduling
LIGZE LIGZE UNIT 720 3 0 Unit of measure for wait time
TRANZ TRANSZEIT FLTP 728 16 16 Move time used for scheduling
TRAZE TRAZE UNIT 736 3 0 Unit of measure for move time
ISERH ISERH QUAN 739 9 3 Confirmed break time
OFM01 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 744 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFM02 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 749 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFM03 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 754 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFM04 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 759 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFM05 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 764 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFM06 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 769 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFMNW OFMNW QUAN 774 7 1 Forecasted work (actual + remaining)
BZOFFB CP_OBZOFFB CHAR 778 2 0 TCA54 Reference date for start of sub-operation
EHOFFB CP_OEHOFFB UNIT 780 3 0 T006 Unit for offset to start
OFFSTB CP_OOFFSTB QUAN 783 5 0 Offset to sub-operation start
OFFSTE CP_OOFFSTE QUAN 786 5 0 Offset to sub-operation finish
BZOFFE CP_OBZOFFE CHAR 789 2 0 TCA54 Reference date for finish of sub-operation
EHOFFE CP_OEHOFFE UNIT 791 3 0 T006 Unit for offset to finish
FPAVD FPAVD DATS 794 8 0 Earliest scheduled start date (forecast)
FPAVZ FPAVZ TIMS 802 6 0 Earliest scheduled start time (forecast)
FPEDD FPEDD DATS 808 8 0 Earliest scheduled finish date (forecast)
FPEDZ FPEDZ TIMS 816 6 0 Earliest scheduled finish time (forecast)
SPAVD SPAVD DATS 822 8 0 Latest scheduled start date (forecast)
SPAVZ SPAVZ TIMS 830 6 0 Latest scheduled start time (forecast)
SPEDD SPEDD DATS 836 8 0 Latest scheduled finish date (forecast)
SPEDZ SPEDZ TIMS 844 6 0 Latest scheduled finish time (forecast)
BEAZP BEAZEP UNIT 850 3 0 Unit of processing time (Forecast)
PUFGP PPUFF_GESM DEC 853 3 0 Total float (from forecast)
PUFFP PPUFF_FREI DEC 855 3 0 Free float (from forecast)
BEARP PBEARZEIT FLTP 864 16 16 Processing time (forecast)
EPANF EPANF DATS 872 8 0 Dispatched start date for operation
EPANZ EPANZ TIMS 880 6 0 Dispatched start time for operation
EPEND EPEND DATS 886 8 0 Dispatched finish date
EPENZ EPENZ TIMS 894 6 0 Dispatched finish time
PDAU PDAU QUAN 900 5 1 Forecasted duration of activity from confirmation
PDAE PDAE UNIT 903 3 0 T006 Unit of the forecasted duration from the confirmation
KNOTE KNOTE CHAR 906 10 0 TVKN Transportation Connection Points
VSTZW VSTZW CHAR 916 4 0 Deadline function
VSTGA VSTGA CHAR 920 4 0 TVTG Deadline deviation reason
QRASTMENG QRASTMENG QUAN 930 13 3 Quantity Between Two Inspections
QRASTEREH QRASTEREH UNIT 937 3 0 T006 Grid Unit of Measure
AUFKT AFAKT DEC 940 3 0 Execution Factor
RMNGA RMNGA QUAN 942 13 3 Total confirmed rework quantity
ILE01 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 949 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ILE02 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 952 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ILE03 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 955 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ILE04 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 958 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ILE05 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 961 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ILE06 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 964 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
RWFAK RWFAK DEC 967 5 3 Rework factor (is not used yet)
IPRZ1 CO_IPRZS QUAN 970 13 3 Confirmed quantity/work for business process
IPRE1 RU_IPRZE UNIT 977 3 0 T006 Unit of measurement for conf. quantity for business process
IPRK1 RU_IPRZK CHAR 980 1 0 No remaining quantity expected for business process
TAKT LD_TAKT NUMC 981 4 0 takt within a line segment
OPRZ1 OPRZ1 QUAN 985 13 3 Remaining quantity for business process
OPRE1 OPRE1 UNIT 992 3 0 T006 Unit for remaining quantity of business process