SAP Table VSAFAB_CN - Version: Network relationships

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
AUFPL_VOR X AUFPL_VOR NUMC 15 10 0 No. identifying the network to which the predecessor belongs
APLZL_VOR X CIM_COUNT NUMC 25 8 0 Internal counter
AUFPL_NCH X AUFPL_NCH NUMC 33 10 0 No. identifying the network to which the successor belongs
APLZL_NCH X CIM_COUNT NUMC 43 8 0 Internal counter
AOBAR X AOBAR CHAR 51 2 0 Type of relationship
MIMAX X DAUMIMAX CHAR 53 1 0 Indicates whether maximum time interval will be considered
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 56 22 0 ONR00 Object number
ZEINH AOBDAUEH UNIT 78 3 0 T006 Unit for the time interval between relationships
DAUER AOBDAUER QUAN 81 5 1 Time interval between relationships
DAUKZ AOBDAUKZ CHAR 84 1 0 Indicator for the duration of the relationship
VORNC VORG_NACH CHAR 85 1 0 Indicator: maintained after successor
NCVOR NACH_VORG CHAR 86 1 0 Indicates whether data after predecessor is maintained
LOEKZ LOLOE CHAR 87 1 0 Indicates whether an object is logically deleted.
KALID WFCID CHAR 88 2 0 TFACD Factory Calendar
PRZNT AOB_PRZNT NUMC 90 3 0 % used to calc. time interval between predecessor/successor
PROVG AOB_PROVG CHAR 93 1 0 Key for defining time intervals in a relationship
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 102 4 0 T001W Plant
FSABD FSABD DATS 106 8 0 Earliest start date for the relationship
FSABZ FSABZ TIMS 114 6 0 Earliest start time for the relationship
SSABD SSABD DATS 120 8 0 Latest start date of the relationship
SSABZ SSABZ TIMS 128 6 0 Latest start time of the relationship
FEABD FEABD DATS 134 8 0 Earliest finish date for the relationship
FEABZ FEABZ TIMS 142 6 0 Earliest finish time for the relationship
SEABD SEABD DATS 148 8 0 Latest finish date of the relationship
SEABZ SEABZ TIMS 156 6 0 Latest finish time of the relationship
DAUTM DAUTM INT4 164 10 0 Relationship duration (in seconds) as result of scheduling
AUCRE CN_AUCRE CHAR 168 1 0 Ind.: Relationship automatically generated
DAUERMAX AOBDAUERM QUAN 169 5 1 Maximum time interval for relationship
AENNR AENNR CHAR 172 12 0 Change Number