SAP Table VIWIV4 - Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Internal Activities

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SWENR X SWENR CHAR 7 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
DATUM X VVWBDAT DATS 15 8 0 Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
EIG_GELDT VVVWBEIGET CHAR 23 50 0 own funds cash description
EIG_GELDB VVVWBEIGEB CURR 73 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds cash amount
EIG_GRUNDT VVVWBEIGRT CHAR 80 50 0 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds property description
EIG_GRUNDB VVVWBEIGRB CURR 130 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Finance.plan own funds property amount
EIG_SONST VVVWBEISOT CHAR 137 50 0 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds other description
EIG_SONSB VVVWBEISOB CURR 187 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds other amount
EIG_SUMB VVVWBEISUB CURR 194 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total own funds amount
EIG_B15NB VVVWBEIBNB CURR 201 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan nominal amnt in 15% of total costs
EIG_B15ZP VVVWBEIBZP DEC 208 5 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest rate in 15% of total costs
EIG_B15ZB VVVWBEIBZB CURR 211 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest amnt in 15% of total csts
EIG_B15TP VVVWBEIBTP DEC 218 5 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repayment rate in 15% of total csts
EIG_B15TB VVVWBEIBTB CURR 221 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repayment amount 15% of total costs
EIG_M15NB VVVWBEIMNB CURR 228 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan nom.amount over 15% of total costs
EIG_M15ZP VVVWBEIMZP DEC 235 5 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest rate over 15% total costs
EIG_M15ZB VVVWBEIMZB CURR 238 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest amnt over 15% total costs
EIG_M15TP VVVWBEIMTP DEC 245 5 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repaymnt rate over 15% of total cst
EIG_M15TB VVVWBEIMTB CURR 248 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repaymnt amnt over 15% of total cst
SUM_NENNB VVVWBSUMNB CURR 255 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total financing funds
SUM_ZINSB VVVWBSUMZB CURR 262 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total interest
SUM_TILGB VVVWBSUMTB CURR 269 13 2 Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total repayment