SAP Table VIWIV2 - Simplified CEA: Calculation of Total Costs

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SWENR X SWENR CHAR 7 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
DATUM X VVWBDAT DATS 15 8 0 Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
ANT_OEFF VVWBVAOEF DEC 23 5 2 CEA: Total calculated costs share public. subsidized apart.
KST_GRTXT VVWBVKGRTX CHAR 26 50 0 CEA: Calculated total costs property & development costs
KST_GRALT VVWBVKGRV CURR 76 13 2 CEA: Total property costs and development old amount
KST_GRNEU VVWBVKGRN CURR 83 13 2 CEA: Total property costs and new amount
KST_BAUTXT VVWBVKBATX CHAR 90 50 0 CEA: Information total construction costs
KST_BAUALT VVWBVKBAV CURR 140 13 2 CEA: Total construction costs old amount
KST_BAUNEU VVWBVKBAN CURR 147 13 2 CEA: Total construction costs new amount
KST_SO1TXT VVWBVKS1TX CHAR 154 50 0 CEA: Total costs other costs 1 description
KST_SO1ALT VVWBVKS1V CURR 204 13 2 CEA: Total costs other costs 1 old amount
KST_SO1NEU VVWBVKS1N CURR 211 13 2 CEA: Total costs other costs 1 new amount
KST_SO2TXT VVWBVKS2TX CHAR 218 50 0 CEA: Total costs other costs 2 description
KST_SO2ALT VVWBVKS2V CURR 268 13 2 CEA: Total costs other costs 2 old amount
KST_SO2NEU VVWBVKS2N CURR 275 13 2 CEA: Total costs other costs 2 new amount
KST_SUMTXT VVWBVKSUTX CHAR 282 50 0 CEA: Total costs description
KST_SUMALT VVWBVKSUV CURR 332 13 2 SCEA: TotCosts total of old amount
KST_SUMNEU VVWBVKSUN CURR 339 13 2 CEA: Total costs new amount
KST_OEFTXT VVWBVKOETX CHAR 346 50 0 CEA: Total costs publicly subsidized description
KST_OEFALT VVWBVKOEA CURR 396 13 2 CEA: Total costs public subsidized old amount
KST_OEFNEU VVWBVKOEN CURR 403 13 2 CEA: Total costs public subsidized new amount