SAP Table VIWIGK - Cost Efficiency Analysis Total Costs

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SWENR X SWENR CHAR 7 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
DATUM X VVWBDAT DATS 15 8 0 Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis
GRUND_GES VVWBGEBBGE CURR 23 13 2 CEA: Total costs for total property value
GRUND_OW VVWBGEBBOW CURR 30 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs value property PA ap.
GRUND_SW VVWBGEBBSW CURR 37 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs value prop. other ap.
GRUND_SR VVWBGEBBSR CURR 44 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total value property other rooms
ERWERB_GES VVWBGEKBGE CURR 51 13 2 CEA: Total costs purchasing costs total
ERWERB_OW VVWBGEKBOW CURR 58 13 2 CEA: Total costs purchase costs apartm.
ERWERB_SW VVWBGEKBSW CURR 65 13 2 CEA: Total costs purchase costs other apartments
ERWERB_SR VVWBGEKBSR CURR 72 13 2 CEA: Total costs purchase costs other apartments
ERSCHL_GES VVWBGERBGE CURR 79 13 2 CEA: Total costs development costs total
ERSCHL_OW VVWBGERBOW CURR 86 13 2 CEA: Total costs development costs apart.
ERSCHL_SW VVWBGERBSW CURR 93 13 2 CEA: Total costs development costs other apartments
ERSCHL_SR VVWBGERBSR CURR 100 13 2 CEA: Total costs development costs other rooms
SUM1_GES VVWBGES1GE CURR 107 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 total
SUM1_OW VVWBGES1OW CURR 114 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 public authority-funded apartmnt
SUM1_SW VVWBGES1SW CURR 121 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 other flats
SUM1_SR VVWBGES1SR CURR 128 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 1 other rooms
BAUKOT_GES VVWBGEKTGE CURR 135 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. work
BAUKOT_OW VVWBGEKTOW CURR 142 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. work subs. ap
BAUKOT_SW VVWBGEKTSW CURR 149 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs const. work other ap.
BAUKOT_SR VVWBGEKTSR CURR 156 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis:Total costs constr. work other room
BAUKOG_GES VVWBGEKGGE CURR 163 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of construction
BAUKOG_OW VVWBGEKGOW CURR 170 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of constr. PA ap.
BAUKOG_SW VVWBGEKGSW CURR 177 13 2 CEA: Total costs construction expenses other apartments
BAUKOG_SR VVWBGEKGSR CURR 184 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs constr. other rooms
BAUKOA_GES VVWBGEKAGE CURR 191 13 2 CEA: Total costs technical equipment total
BAUKOA_OW VVWBGEKAOW CURR 198 13 2 CEA: Total costs technical equipment Pub.auth.sub.apartmnt
BAUKOA_SW VVWBGEKASW CURR 205 13 2 CEA: Total costs technical equipment Other apartments
BAUKOA_SR VVWBGEKASR CURR 212 13 2 CEA: Total costs technical equipment Other rooms
BAUKOB_GES VVWBGEKXGE CURR 219 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of execution
BAUKOB_OW VVWBGEKXOW CURR 226 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs execution subs. ap.
BAUKOB_SW VVWBGEKXSW CURR 233 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs of execution other ap.
BAUKOB_SR VVWBGEKXSR CURR 240 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis:Total costs of execution other room
GERAET_GES VVWBGEGBGE CURR 247 13 2 CEA: Total costs equipment total
GERAET_OW VVWBGEGBOW CURR 254 13 2 CEA: Total costs equipment public author.supported accomm.
GERAET_SW VVWBGEGBSW CURR 261 13 2 CEA: Total costs equipment other apartments
GERAET_SR VVWBGEGBSR CURR 268 13 2 CEA: Total costs equipment other rooms
AUSSEN_GES VVWBGEABGE CURR 275 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside grounds
AUSSEN_OW VVWBGEABOW CURR 282 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside gr. PA apart.
AUSSEN_SW VVWBGEABSW CURR 289 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outside gr. other ap.
AUSSEN_SR VVWBGEABSR CURR 296 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs outs. gr. other rooms
ZUSATZ_GES VVWBGEZBGE CURR 303 13 2 CEA: Total costs additional measures total
ZUSATZ_OW VVWBGEZBOW CURR 310 13 2 CEA: Total costs addit.measures public author.subs.apartmnts
ZUSATZ_SW VVWBGEZBSW CURR 317 13 2 CEA: Total costs additional measures other apartments
ZUSATZ_SR VVWBGEZBSR CURR 324 13 2 CEA: Total costs additional measures other rooms
NEBENA_GES VVWBGEN1GE CURR 331 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.
NEBENA_OW VVWBGEN1OW CURR 338 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap
NEBENA_SW VVWBGEN1SW CURR 345 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.
NEBENA_SR VVWBGEN1SR CURR 352 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms
NEBENV_GES VVWBGEN2GE CURR 359 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.
NEBENV_OW VVWBGEN2OW CURR 366 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap
NEBENV_SW VVWBGEN2SW CURR 373 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.
NEBENV_SR VVWBGEN2SR CURR 380 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms
NEBENB_GES VVWBGEN3GE CURR 387 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.
NEBENB_OW VVWBGEN3OW CURR 394 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap
NEBENB_SW VVWBGEN3SW CURR 401 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.
NEBENB_SR VVWBGEN3SR CURR 408 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms
NEBENK_GES VVWBGEN4GE CURR 415 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.
NEBENK_OW VVWBGEN4OW CURR 422 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap
NEBENK_SW VVWBGEN4SW CURR 429 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.
NEBENK_SR VVWBGEN4SR CURR 436 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms
NEBENF_GES VVWBGEN5GE CURR 443 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.
NEBENF_OW VVWBGEN5OW CURR 450 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: constr. incid. costs pub. apartm.
NEBENF_SW VVWBGEN5SW CURR 457 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.
NEBENF_SR VVWBGEN5SR CURR 464 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms
NEBENS_GES VVWBGEN6GE CURR 471 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: construction incid. costs arch.
NEBENS_OW VVWBGEN6OW CURR 478 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Construction incid. costs pub. ap
NEBENS_SW VVWBGEN6SW CURR 485 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other apart.
NEBENS_SR VVWBGEN6SR CURR 492 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Constr. incid. costs other rooms
SUM2_GES VVWBGES2GE CURR 499 13 2 Cost efficiency calculation: Total costs subtotal 2 total
SUM2_OW VVWBGES2OW CURR 506 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 public authority-funded apartmnt
SUM2_SW VVWBGES2SW CURR 513 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other apartments
SUM2_SR VVWBGES2SR CURR 520 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other rooms
PARKPL_GES VVWBGEE1GE CURR 527 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs parking space
PARKPL_OW VVWBGEE1OW CURR 534 13 2 Cost efficiency analysis: Total costs parking space PA ap.
PARKPL_SW VVWBGEE1SW CURR 541 13 2 CEA: Total costs parking space other apartment
PARKPL_SR VVWBGEE1SR CURR 548 13 2 CEA: Total costs parking space other room
SUM3_GES VVWBGES3GE CURR 555 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 total
SUM3_OW VVWBGES3OW CURR 562 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 public authority-funded apartmnt
SUM3_SW VVWBGES3SW CURR 569 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other apartments
SUM3_SR VVWBGES3SR CURR 576 13 2 CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other rooms
GESSUM_GES VVWBGESUGE CURR 583 13 2 CEA: Total costs total
GESSUM_OW VVWBGESUOW CURR 590 13 2 CEA: Total costs total public authority-supported apartmnts
GESSUM_SW VVWBGESUSW CURR 597 13 2 CEA: Total costs other apartments total
GESSUM_SR VVWBGESUSR CURR 604 13 2 CEA: Total costs other rooms total
BAU_KAUF VVWBGEBAKA CURR 611 13 2 CEA: Total costs of property purchase price per M2
BAU_VERKW VVWBGEBAVE CURR 618 13 2 CEA: Total costs of public value property per M2
BAU_FLAE VVWBGEBAFL DEC 625 8 2 CEA: Total costs property area
BAU_KSUM VVWBGEBAKS CURR 630 13 2 CEA: Total property purchase price total costs
BAU_VSUM VVWBGEBAVS CURR 637 13 2 CEA: Total costs of public value property
BAU_ERW VVWBGEBAER CURR 644 13 2 CEA: Total costs of purchasing property
BAU_FREI VVWBGEBAFR CURR 651 13 2 CEA: Total cost of clearing property
BAU_BAUPL VVWBGEBABA CURR 658 13 2 CEA: Total costs erecting construction site
ERS_OEFF VVWBGEEROE CURR 665 13 2 CEA: Total costs of public development
ERS_NOEFF VVWBGEERNO CURR 672 13 2 CEA: Total costs not public development
ERS_AND VVWBGEERAN CURR 679 13 2 CEA: Total costs of other former costs
KOS_M3 VVWBGEKOM3 DEC 686 8 3 CEA: Total costs cubic volume in M3
KOS_BETM3 VVWBGEKOBE CURR 691 13 2 CEA: Total costs cubic volume amount per M3
PARK_ANZ VVWBGEPAAN DEC 698 4 0 CEA: Total costs number of parking spaces
PARK_BETR VVWBGEPABE CURR 701 13 2 CEA: Total costs amount per parking space