SAP Table VIMIMV - Lease-Out

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
INTRENO X VVINTRENO CHAR 3 13 0 Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 16 4 0 T001 Company Code
SMIVE SMIVE CHAR 20 13 0 Lease-Out Number
SWENR SWENR CHAR 33 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
SMENR SMENR CHAR 41 8 0 VIMI01 Number of Rental Unit
VERKT_MV SMIVE CHAR 49 13 0 Lease-Out Number
VERKT_WE SWENR CHAR 62 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
VERKT_ME SMENR CHAR 70 8 0 VIMI01 Number of Rental Unit
DMIBEG DMIBE DATS 78 8 0 Rental start date
DMIEND DMIEN DATS 86 8 0 Rental end date
DERZAHL DERZA DATS 94 8 0 Date of 1st debit position
SMVART SMVART CHAR 102 4 0 TIV26 External Real Estate contract type
SMVANART SMVAR CHAR 106 1 0 TIV27 Lease-Out Adjustment Type
DUNTBIS DUNBI DATS 107 8 0 Date provisional agreement from
BKAUTION BKAUT CURR 115 13 2 Security deposit amount
SKAUTART SKAUA CHAR 122 1 0 TIV18 Type of Rental Collateral
DEINKUE DEKUE DATS 123 8 0 Date of receipt of notice
DKUEZU DKUZU DATS 131 8 0 Contract Notice Per
JMAHNSP JMASP CHAR 139 1 0 Dunning block indicator - no longer used!
STECHEM STECHEM CHAR 140 13 0 Heating expenses settlement company evaluation group
JMINDER JMINDER CHAR 153 1 0 Rent reduction indicator
AMELDIN AMELDIN NUMC 154 2 0 Sales reporting interval
BUMSPROJ BUMSPRNUSD CURR 156 13 2 not used (copy of BUMSPROJ)
BMINUMS BUMS1NUSD CURR 163 13 2 not used (copy of BUMSATZ1)
PPROZ0 PPROZ0 DEC 170 5 2 Minimum percentage rate
DSTAEN DSTAEN DATS 173 8 0 Status change date
DAKTV DAKTV DATS 181 8 0 Contract activation
JLOESCH JLOESCH CHAR 189 1 0 Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag
BUSAB BUSAB CHAR 190 2 0 Accounting clerk
JVERL JVERL CHAR 192 1 0 Contract renewal
JSKUEND JSKUEND CHAR 193 1 0 Special right of notice
JKAUFOPT JKAUFOPT CHAR 194 1 0 Option to buy
DKAUFOPT DKAUFOPT DATS 195 8 0 Purchase option date
SNKS SNKS CHAR 203 22 0 ONR00 Service Charge Collector Number
RERF RERF CHAR 225 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 237 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 245 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 251 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 261 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 273 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 281 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 287 10 0 Editing Source
DKUEFR DKUEFR NUMC 297 2 0 Notice period in months
ANKUEN ANKUEN NUMC 299 2 0 Notification until (for renewal of contract)
DABTR DABTR DATS 301 8 0 Declaration of assignment
DFREIS DFREIS DATS 309 8 0 Exemption (bank)
DABLF DABLF DATS 317 8 0 Expiration Date
VERLG VERLG NUMC 325 3 0 Contract renewal by ... months
ZSICH VVZSICH CHAR 328 1 0 Indicator that other collateral is available
JBETRST JBETRST CHAR 329 1 0 Security deposit granted
DBKERH DBKERH DATS 330 8 0 Cash deposit received on
ABNNR ABNNR CHAR 338 20 0 Identification of lease-out at settlement company
ABNUNR ABNUNR NUMC 358 3 0 Customer subnumber
BANKKS BANKK CHAR 361 15 0 Bank Keys
SKUEFR SKUEFR NUMC 376 1 0 Type of notice period
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 377 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
KUNNR VVRDEBIHVP CHAR 385 10 0 KNA1 Customer number main contract partner
SPARTNR VVRPARTABW CHAR 395 10 0 Alternative payer (partner number)
GSART VVSART CHAR 405 3 0 TZPA Product Type
MADAT MADAT DATS 408 8 0 Date of Last Dunning Notice
MANST MAHNS_D NUMC 416 1 0 Dunning Level
JBKRZ VVJBKRZ CHAR 417 1 0 Cash deposit instalment payment
DEINZG VVDEINZG DATS 418 8 0 Move-in date
DAUSZG VVDAUSZG DATS 426 8 0 Move-out date
JANPIB VVJANPIB CHAR 434 1 0 Adjustment being processed (indicator)
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 435 10 0 Profit Center
MABER VVMABER CHAR 445 2 0 T047M Dunning: area
PROFL VVAPROF CHAR 447 6 0 TKB1A Settlement profile for costs
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 453 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
ZUSP VVZUSP CHAR 457 1 0 Subsidies available, indicator
REFNR VVREFNR CHAR 458 30 0 Reference number for collateral securities
SBELEGNG VVSBELEGNG CHAR 488 1 0 RU occupancy by LO (used by third-prty/private/corp.grp)
MANSP VVMANSP CHAR 489 1 0 T040S Dunning: Blocking reason
DERSTDR VVDERSTDR DATS 490 8 0 Date When the Lease-Out was First Printed
DAENDDR VVDAENDDR DATS 498 8 0 Date When the Lease-Out was Changed and Printed Out
JMFREI VVJMFREI CHAR 506 1 0 Condition is not checked
DVMUN VVDVMUN DATS 507 8 0 Contract signed by landlord
JRMSCHPR VVJRMSCHPR CHAR 515 1 0 Tenant service charge settlement?
KBK_PARTNR SPARTNR CHAR 586 10 0 Partner number
GERSTD VVXGERSTD CHAR 596 35 0 Jurisdiction
KONDPJ VVKONDPJ CHAR 631 1 0 Conditions on lease-out effective per year (display)
JMABGR VVJMABGR CHAR 632 1 0 Accrual/deferral method
GSBER GSBER CHAR 633 4 0 TGSB Business Area
SKUEKEY SKUEKEY CHAR 637 12 0 Notice rule
SKUEART SMVKUEART CHAR 649 1 0 Notice Type of Lease-Out
E_SMIVE VVESMIVE CHAR 650 13 0 Contract No. of Collective Lease-Outs
HBKID HBKID CHAR 663 5 0 T012 Short Key for a House Bank
FEHLBEL VVFEHLBEL CHAR 668 20 0 Reference code false occupancy charges
R1DATUM VVR1DATUM DATS 688 8 0 1st date for vacating
R2DATUM VVR2DATUM DATS 696 8 0 2nd date for vacating
KLDATUM VVKLDATUM DATS 704 8 0 Date of complaint
KLAKTZEI VVKLAKTZEI CHAR 712 20 0 Complaint reference code
IND_SECTOR VVMVINDSEC CHAR 732 4 0 Industry of master tenant
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 736 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
DFLOWFIX VVDFLOWFIX DATS 751 8 0 Flows fixed upto
KOEIGR VVWERTN_AD CHAR 759 10 0 TIVC6 Account determination key for account determination
BERGRP VVBERGRP CHAR 769 40 0 Authorization group
KONTOBV VVIKONTOBV CHAR 809 10 0 Bank procedure account number
OSMIVE VVOSMIVE CHAR 819 20 0 Number of old contract
SDUNMOD VVRAMAHNVERF CHAR 839 4 0 TIVM7 Dunning level for dunning of non-approved rent adjustments
PARTFROM VVIPARTFROM CHAR 863 4 0 Source of Prospect
PARTWHY VVIPARTWHY CHAR 867 4 0 Reason for Acquisition
PARTWAY VVIWAY CHAR 871 4 0 Enquiry method