SAP Table VIMIK2 - RA periods of notice: Deadline regulation

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
INTRENO X VVINTRENO CHAR 3 13 0 Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
LFNR X VVLFNRK NUMC 16 3 0 Periods of notice sequence number
DLZBISM VVDLZBISM NUMC 19 3 0 Term of lease-out in months
KETAG VVDANZTG NUMC 22 2 0 No. days in current month for calculation of notice period
KEMONAT VVKEMONAT NUMC 24 2 0 Month by which notice received
KEJAHR VVKEJAHR NUMC 26 4 0 Year of receipt of notice
SKTWT VVSKTWT NUMC 30 1 0 Calendar days/working days indicator
KUED_TT VVKUEDTT NUMC 31 2 0 Day of Notice
KUED_MM VVKUEDMM NUMC 33 2 0 Month of notice
KUED_YY VVKUEDYY NUMC 35 4 0 Year of notice
SKALID SKALID CHAR 39 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar