SAP Table VIMI45 - OLD, replaced by VIMI55 for 3.0

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
IMKEY X IMKEY CHAR 3 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
SKOART X SKOART NUMC 11 4 0 TZK01 Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
DGABANRT X VVDGABANRT DATS 15 8 0 Date as from when the adjustment type is valid
SINDART WBIND CHAR 23 5 0 T094A Index series for replacement values
YBASISJ BASJHR NUMC 28 4 0 T094B Index series base year
BINDPKT BINDPKT DEC 32 8 3 Index marker status at last rent adjustment
BPKTERH BPKTERH DEC 37 4 0 Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment
PPKTERH PPKTERH DEC 40 5 2 Minimum change of index series change in percentage terms
PERHPROZ PERHPROZ DEC 43 3 0 Rent adjustment percentage rate increase
DANPAB DANPAB DATS 45 8 0 Date of first lease-out adjustment
DANPLETZ DANPLETZ DATS 53 8 0 Date of last index adjustment
JINDLOCK JINDLOCK CHAR 61 1 0 Index block indicator
DANPRYTH DANPRYTH DEC 62 2 0 Adjustment frequency of rental adjustment in months
DANPNXT DANPNXT DATS 64 8 0 Date of next rental adjustment
JINDANP JINDANP CHAR 72 1 0 Ind. whether approval of tenant is necessary for adjustment
MANPVERZ MANPVERZ NUMC 73 2 0 Adjustment delay in months
BINDPKT1 BINDPKT1 DEC 75 8 3 Index status as base for first rental adjustment
BINDDAT1 BINDDAT1 DATS 80 8 0 Date on which the markers for 1st adjustment are used
DGENLZB DGENLZB DATS 88 8 0 Date of approval of lease-out by SCB
JIXANPOB JIXANPOB CHAR 96 1 0 Rent can only be adjusted on an upward basis (indicator)
DANTLZB VVDLZBANT DATS 97 8 0 Date of application at SCB
ISKL VVJISKL NUMC 105 1 0 Index-Adjusted Lease-Out: Index or Spread Clause
JERHSTD VVJERHSTD CHAR 106 1 0 Use the specified pass-on percentage rate?