SAP Table VIMI16 - RE: Records of a Rent Adjustment Run

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SMIVE X SMIVE CHAR 7 13 0 Lease-Out Number
SWENR X SWENR CHAR 20 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
SMENR X SMENR CHAR 28 8 0 VIMI01 Number of Rental Unit
SKOART X SKOART NUMC 36 4 0 TZK01 Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
DGUELAB X DGUELAB DATS 40 8 0 Date when the rent adjustment becomes valid
DANPASS X DANPASS DATS 48 8 0 Rental Adjustment Date Planned For
SANPNR X SANPNR NUMC 56 3 0 TIV11 Rent Adjustment Method
XIDENT X XIDENT1 CHAR 59 16 0 Identification of adjustment run
SWHRKOND SWHRKOND CUKY 75 5 0 TCURC Currency of Condition Item
BKONDALT BKONDALT CURR 80 13 2 Previous condition amount
BANPASS BANPASS CURR 87 13 2 New condition amount (total)
BAUTANP BAUTANP CURR 94 13 2 New Total Condition Amount (Original)
BGESZUL BGESZUL CURR 101 13 2 New legally permitted amount per area unit
BVGLAVG BVGLAVG CURR 108 13 2 Average rent per area unit
BINDPKT BINDPKT DEC 115 8 3 Index marker status at last rent adjustment
BINDALT BINDALT DEC 120 8 3 Previous index marker (from VIMI06)
BMSPVON BBETRV CURR 125 11 2 Lower limit for rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents
BMSPBIS BBETRB CURR 131 11 2 Upper limit for rent per area unit acc. to rep.list rents
BMSPGRD BGRBTR CURR 137 11 2 Mean value of rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents
BMSPZUA BMSPZUA CURR 143 13 2 Rent list: Total surch./reduct./tot.pnts
JZUSCHLAG JZUSCHLAG CHAR 150 1 0 Surcharge contained in new basic rent
JZUSTIM JZUSTIM CHAR 151 1 0 Approval indicator
DZUSTIM DZUSTIM DATS 152 8 0 Approval date of rent adjustment
DZUBIS DZUBIS DATS 160 8 0 Date up to which approval has to be given
DSTORNO DSTORNO DATS 168 8 0 Reversal date of rent adjustment
DAKTIV VVDAKTIV DATS 176 8 0 Activation date of rental adjustment
DGUELBI VVDINDPKT DATS 184 8 0 Date when index markers are valid for this rent adjustment
BANPBM VVBANPBM CURR 192 13 2 Total pro rata modernization costs for the rental unit
BMZUGBM VVBMZUGBM CURR 199 13 2 Monthly surcharge planned in acc. with German tenancy law
RANTWF VVRANTWF DEC 206 8 2 Apportionment factor calculation units
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 211 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
PERHREL PERHREL DEC 219 5 2 Relative increase in amount (in percentage)
BERHABS BERHABS CURR 222 13 2 Increase amount per area unit
BERHGES VVBERHGES CURR 229 13 2 Increase amount in full (not referring to the area)
BNEUMIET VVBNEUGES CURR 236 13 2 Total new amount (not relative to the area)
SFUTANP VVSFUTANP CHAR 243 1 0 Subsequent adjustment ? (No, initial adj., subsequent adj.)
FQMFLART VVBFLART QUAN 244 14 4 Area of area type
FEINS FEINS UNIT 252 3 0 T006 Area unit
BPKTSUM VVBPKTSUM DEC 255 7 2 Total number of points for feature class or object
PERHPROZ VVPERWEIT DEC 259 5 2 Percentage rate of calculated increase to be passed on
PERHHPZS VVPERHHPZS DEC 262 6 3 Percent.increase on the basis of a mortg.rate loan change
PERHUTBK VVPERHUTBK DEC 266 6 3 Percent.incr. on basis of maintenance/operating costs change
PERHTEUR VVPERHTEUR DEC 270 6 3 Percent.incr.on basis of change in standard of living index
PERHGES VVPERHGES DEC 274 6 3 Percent increase on basis of all relative/an absolute factor
SANPME VVSANPME CHAR 278 1 0 Specifies Adjustment Object (Only LO/Only RU/both)
DHPZS VVDHPZS DATS 279 8 0 CH rent adj.:Date of mortgage rate loan status for new rent
DUTBK VVDUTBK DATS 287 8 0 CH rnt adj.:Dte maint./oper.csts index status for new rent
DTEUR VVDTEUR DATS 295 8 0 CH rent adj.:Date of standard of living status for new rent
DHPZSALT VVDHPZSAKT DATS 303 8 0 CH rent adj.:Date of rate status for current rent
DUTBKALT VVDUTBKAKT DATS 311 8 0 CH rnt adj.:Dte maint./oper.costs index status for new rent
DTEURALT VVDTEURAKT DATS 319 8 0 CH rnt adj.:Dte of living stndrd index status for
BRDBRTZZ VVBRDBRTZZ DEC 327 10 7 CH rent adj: Actual gross yield earned
SBSANPCH VVSBSANPCH NUMC 333 2 0 CH rent adjustment: Adjustment basis
BRDBRTKD VVBRDBRTKD DEC 335 10 7 Marginal Gross Yield
SSTDORT VVSSTDORT CHAR 341 10 0 Regional location
INTRENO VVINTRENO CHAR 351 13 0 Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
MFACH VVMFACH CHAR 364 10 0 Rent table field
SANPSTAF VVSANPSTAF CHAR 374 1 0 Scope of adjustment (conditions, sales grading, both)
SIHMA VVSIHMA CHAR 375 20 0 Modernization Measure
JCHBASMOD VVCHBASMOD CHAR 395 1 0 CH rent adj: Adj. on basis overhaul/appr.surch. investment
JCHBASBMR VVCHBASBMR CHAR 396 1 0 Rent adj. CH: Adj. on basis reserves from modernizations
BCHBASMOD VVBGESBMI CURR 397 13 2 Actual total costs of modernization
BMSPBAS VVBMSPBAS CURR 404 11 2 Base rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents
BNEUABS VVBNEUFE CURR 410 13 2 New amount per area unit
NDOCCNT VVNDOCCNT NUMC 417 3 0 Number of printed letters for an adjustment
CURR_GS VVCURR_GS CURR 420 13 2 Total amount as basis for adjustment without roundings
AREA_GS VVAREA_GS QUAN 427 14 4 Total area as base for adjustment without rounding errors
SMIETSP SMIETSP CHAR 435 6 0 TIV20 Representative list of rents assignment
SBAUAKL SBAUALT NUMC 441 2 0 Building age category
SLAGEKL SLAGK NUMC 443 2 0 Location class
SGROEKL SGROEKL NUMC 445 3 0 Size class
SAUSTKL SAUSKL NUMC 448 2 0 Fixtures and fittings category
DBAUALT VVDBAUALT DATS 450 8 0 Building age for rental unit relevant for rep.list of rents
JAREA VVJAREA CHAR 458 1 0 Rental on basis of area?
BKONDALTFE BKONDQM CURR 459 13 2 Currency amount per area unit
SKOPO VVSKOPO NUMC 466 2 0 TZK07 Detailed identification for condition items
SCOMMIT VVSRACOMMIT NUMC 468 2 0 Reservation for approval for a rent adjustment
SREJECT VVSRAREJECT NUMC 470 2 0 Reason for rejecting a rent adjustment
DREJECT VVDRAREJECT DATS 472 8 0 Rejection date of a rent adjustment
NDUNLEV VVRADUNLEVEL NUMC 480 2 0 Reminder level for reminders for rnt adjs not appr.
DLASTDC VVRADLASTDUN DATS 482 8 0 Date of last dunning due to missing tenant approval
DADJPRN VVDADJPRN DATS 490 8 0 Letter date of adjustment correspondence
BANPASSFE VVBANPASSFE CURR 498 13 2 New condition amount for each area unit (changeable)
BAUTANPFE VVBAUTANPFE CURR 505 13 2 New condition amount for each area unit (original)
BVGLAVGGS VVBAVGGSMT CURR 512 13 2 Average total rent
BGESZULGS VVBGESZULGS CURR 519 13 2 Legally permitted total amount
SINDART_OLD WBIND CHAR 526 5 0 T094A Index series for replacement values
YBASISJ_OLD BASJHR NUMC 531 4 0 T094B Index series base year
BINDPKT_OLD BINDPKT DEC 535 8 3 Index marker status at last rent adjustment
BINDPKT1_OLD BINDPKT1 DEC 540 8 3 Index status as base for first rental adjustment
BPKTERH_OLD VVBPKTERH DEC 545 6 2 Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment
PPKTERH_OLD PPKTERH DEC 549 5 2 Minimum change of index series change in percentage terms
SINDART_NEW WBIND CHAR 552 5 0 T094A Index series for replacement values
YBASISJ_NEW BASJHR NUMC 557 4 0 T094B Index series base year
BINDPKT_NEW BINDPKT DEC 561 8 3 Index marker status at last rent adjustment
BINDPKT1_NEW BINDPKT1 DEC 566 8 3 Index status as base for first rental adjustment
BPKTERH_NEW VVBPKTERH DEC 571 6 2 Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment
PPKTERH_NEW PPKTERH DEC 575 5 2 Minimum change of index series change in percentage terms
AMMRHY AMMRHY NUMC 578 3 0 Frequency in months
ATTRHY ATTRHY NUMC 581 3 0 Frequency in Days
JBMONAT JBMONAT CHAR 584 1 0 Indicator for calculating amount per month
JADJRHY JADJRHY CHAR 585 1 0 Rent Adjustment Dependent on Condition Frequency
JNULLKON JNULLKON CHAR 586 1 0 Condition Form