SAP Table VIGBZAB - Appreciations/deprecations for land register list

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
SGRUNDB X SGRUNDB NUMC 3 8 0 Land register number
SLFDGRST X SLFDGRST NUMC 11 3 0 Property consecutive number
SNRZUAB X SNRZUAB NUMC 14 3 0 Number of appreciation/depreciation
XZUATEXT XZUATEXT CHAR 17 60 0 Text for entry//removal from land register
DATZUAB DATZUAB DATS 77 8 0 Date of entry/removal from land register
JZUAB JZUAB CHAR 85 1 0 Value appreciation indicator
JLOESCH JLOESCH CHAR 86 1 0 Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag