SAP Table VIGBSTD - Real estate register of land register

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
SGRUNDB X SGRUNDB NUMC 3 8 0 Land register number
SLFDGRST X SLFDGRST NUMC 11 3 0 Property consecutive number
NALTGRST NALTGRST CHAR 14 7 0 Previous number of property
NFLURNR NFLURNR CHAR 21 6 0 Number of Tract of Land in Land Register
XFLURST XFLURST CHAR 27 10 0 Parcel of Land
XWIRTART XWIRTART CHAR 37 60 0 Business type
XGSLAGE XGSLAGE CHAR 97 60 0 Description of property location
NLSBUCHN NLSBUCHN NUMC 157 6 0 Real properties register number
FLAECHE FLAECHE DEC 163 9 2 Property area
JLOESCH JLOESCH CHAR 168 1 0 Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag
JKZLOE JKZLOE CHAR 169 1 0 Indicator: Land register entry is marked as being deleted
XGEMARK XGEMARK CHAR 170 12 0 Local subdistrict ID
NZUGRST VVNZUGRST CHAR 182 6 0 Entry for property
XNRBSTD VVXNRBSTD CHAR 188 6 0 Number in property list
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 194 4 0 T001 Company Code
SWENR SWENR CHAR 198 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
SGRNR SGRNR CHAR 206 8 0 Land Number for BE