SAP Table VIGBA1 - Section 1 of land register

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
SGRUNDB X SGRUNDB NUMC 3 8 0 Land register number
SNRABT1 X SNRABT1 NUMC 11 3 0 No. of entry in section 1 of land register
DBVORM DBVORM DATS 14 8 0 Date of approval of priority notice
DAUFLVOR DAUFLVOR DATS 22 8 0 Date of priority notice of conveyance
DBAUFL DBAUFL DATS 30 8 0 Date of approval of conveyance
DAUFLASS DAUFLASS DATS 38 8 0 Date of conveyance
JLOESCH JLOESCH CHAR 46 1 0 Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag
JKZLOE JKZLOE CHAR 47 1 0 Indicator: Land register entry is marked as being deleted
XGRSTLST XGRSTLST CHAR 48 18 0 List of properties for an entry
XEIGTLST XEIGTLST CHAR 66 60 0 Basis of entry
RGRSTLST RGRSTLST NUMC 126 10 0 Reference to relational table properties
REIGTLST REIGTLST NUMC 136 10 0 Reference to relational data base table of owner
XNRA1 VVXNRA1 CHAR 146 6 0 Section 1, number of entry