SAP Table VIAK26 - Master Settlement Unit: Participating Settlement Units

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SWENR X VVSWENRNKA CHAR 7 8 0 VIOB01 Valid business entity
SNKSL X SNKSL CHAR 15 4 0 TIV05 Service Charge Key
SEMPSL X SEMPSL CHAR 19 5 0 Settlement Unit
DGUELEMP X VVDGUELEMP_SUM DATS 24 8 0 Valid from date of the assignment of the participating SUs
TBUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 32 4 0 T001 Company Code
TSWENR X SWENR CHAR 36 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
TSNKSL X SNKSL CHAR 44 4 0 TIV05 Service Charge Key
TSEMPSL X SEMPSL CHAR 48 5 0 Settlement Unit
SABRG SABRG NUMC 53 4 0 TIV07 Apportionment unit
EQUINUM VVEQUINUM DEC 57 10 0 Equivalence numbers
XEINHEIT VVMSEHI UNIT 63 3 0 T006 Measurement unit for assignment of participating SUs
PROZ VVUAEPROZ DEC 66 5 2 Percentage rate predistribution cross settlement unit
JDISTRIBUTE VVJDISTRIBUTE CHAR 69 1 0 Type of Predistribution (Apportionment Unit, Perc, Equ.Nos)
VOLWATER VVVOLWATER DEC 70 15 2 V = measured volume of consumed hot water in m3
TEMPWATER VVTEMPWATER DEC 78 15 2 TW = Measured or estimated average temperature of hot water
HEATVALUE VVHEATVAL DEC 86 15 2 HV = Heating value of consumed fuel
KBRART KBRART NUMC 94 2 0 TIV54 Fuel type in RE
GCONSUMP VVGCONSUMP DEC 96 15 2 TotCons = Total consumption of heating units as entry value
QHEATAMOUNT VVQHEATAMOUNT DEC 104 15 2 Q = heat consumption for hot water consumption
BCONSUMP VVBCONSUMP DEC 112 15 2 F = Fuel consumption
WHEATAMOUNT VVWHEATAMOUNT DEC 120 15 2 H = heat consumed
WWPROZ VVWWPROZ DEC 128 5 2 Percentage share for hot water consumption
HKVOTYP VVHKVOTYP CHAR 131 1 0 Calculation type of heating cost formula
RERF RERF CHAR 132 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 144 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 152 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 158 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 168 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 180 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 188 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 194 10 0 Editing Source
OBJNR VVJ_OBJNR CHAR 204 22 0 ONR00 Obj. number for posting remaining amount for master SU
MEAS RESCMEAS CHAR 226 4 0 Measurement Type

1492074Heating costs factor BAdI user exit
1079709Termination caused by STACK_NO_ROLL_MEMORY when checking SU