SAP Table VIAK07 - Calculation unit option rate

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SWENR X SWENR CHAR 7 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
SNKSL X SNKSL CHAR 15 4 0 TIV05 Service Charge Key
SEMPSL X SEMPSL CHAR 19 5 0 Settlement Unit
DJAMON X DJAMON CHAR 24 6 0 Validity period (year/month) of option rate
POPTSATZ POPTSATZ DEC 30 9 6 Real Estate Option Rate
PVORSATZ PVORSATZ DEC 35 5 2 OLD, do not use !!!
BGESWERT BGESWERT DEC 38 15 3 Total value
BUSTWERT BUSTWERT DEC 46 15 3 Value liable to sales tax
AMEGES AMEGES INT4 56 10 0 Total number of rental units
AMEUST AMEUST INT4 60 10 0 Number of rental units opting for sales tax
JKONTKZ JKONTKZ CHAR 64 1 0 Account assignment indicator
JALTD VVJALTD CHAR 65 1 0 Indicator: Data record from transfer of legacy data
RARTOPT RARTOPT NUMC 66 1 0 Option rate calculation type
DFIXDT VVDFIXDT DATS 67 8 0 Key-date for calculation of option rates
BGESKOND BGESKOND CURR 75 13 2 Total condition amount
BUSTKOND BUSTKOND CURR 82 13 2 Total condition amount subject to sales tax