SAP Table VFSI - Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
KNUMV X KNUMV CHAR 3 10 0 Number of the document condition
KPOSN X KPOSN_P NUMC 13 6 0 Shipment cost subitem
BERGL BERGL CHAR 19 1 0 Calculation Base
VHART VHIART CHAR 20 4 0 Packaging Material Type
VBTYP VBTYP CHAR 24 1 0 SD document category
VBELN VBELN CHAR 25 10 0 Sales and Distribution Document Number
POSNR POSNR NUMC 35 6 0 Item number of the SD document
NETWR NETWR_U CURR 41 15 2 Net value of sub-item in currency of shipment cost item
MWSBP MWSBP_U CURR 49 13 2 Tax amount of sub-item in currency of shipment cost item
NETPR NETPR CURR 56 11 2 Net price
KZWI1 KZWI1 CURR 62 13 2 Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI2 KZWI2 CURR 69 13 2 Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI3 KZWI3 CURR 76 13 2 Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI4 KZWI4 CURR 83 13 2 Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI5 KZWI5 CURR 90 13 2 Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI6 KZWI6 CURR 97 13 2 Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition
MPROK MPROK CHAR 104 1 0 Status manual price change
KPEIN KPEIN DEC 105 5 0 Condition pricing unit
KMEIN KMEIN UNIT 108 3 0 T006 Condition unit
UVPRS UVPRS CHAR 111 1 0 Incomplete with respect to pricing
PRSOK PRSOK CHAR 112 1 0 Pricing is OK
BASWR BASWR_P CURR 113 15 2 Tax base amount
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 121 2 0 Sales Tax Code
GARVZ GARVZ CHAR 123 6 0 TGAV Freight code set
GTART GTART CHAR 129 12 0 TGAR Freight code
GTKLS GTKLS CHAR 141 12 0 Freight class
ACTIV SCDSUBACT CHAR 153 1 0 Indicator: Subitem active

637798Modif: Packaging matl type in condition types for HU (T_06)
396892DEL-IS-OIL 4.6C: Deleted IS-OIL fields